Chapter 15

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Before security dragged Max out on his face they shot him with a tranquilizer dart while he was trying to kill me. I made sure so sink my fangs into him as many times as I could. Now every time I bit into him my mouth was filled with the vile taste of half-er blood. It was disgusting and I wished I were human so I could puke it all back up. I'm sure the taste of bile is more palatable than the taste of half-er blood.

Gray had to drag me from the room as well.  Before they had shot Max with the tranquilizer dart he had caught my skin with his teeth and I'd been driven crazy with pain and rage.  I almost ripped the skin off where he'd bitten me so I couldn't be ridden with the disease that was Maxwell King.

Grey had to venom wash the wound, once we were back in my office, where Max had bitten me and I screamed in pain as the venom sanitized and closed the nasty wound.  It felt like I'd ripped the skin off my shoulder and Gray had poured lemon juice into it.  I growled until the pain subsided and then smashed a full bottle of vodka against the wall for good measure.  The room was filled with the heady scent and I felt the weight on my lower belly.  I ignored it.  I took a deep breath of air, searching for Max's scent, filtering out every other scent but his. I was going to find that ungrateful mistake of mine and turn him into a memory that I could simply kick myself over for the next ten years.

Gray pinned me down on the bed and sank his fangs into my neck.  He didn't drink and he quickly withdrew to venom wash the wounds.  He was trying to get me to calm down.  I was growling, snarling, and snapping at him up until he'd sank his fangs into my neck.  Not to mention my rapid breathing.  I looked like a wild animal.

When he sank his fangs into my neck I jumped but calmed down, slightly.

He was still pinning me down and I could tell he wasn't all too thrilled about it.  He kept me pinned down until my breathing returned to normal.  He let me up very slowly.

"Are you okay," he asked from a few feet away.  I showed him my fangs.

"Do I look okay?"

"I'm sorry and I know this really isn't the time for this but you've got a job.  Max might not be your boss anymore but you've still got work to do."

I disconnected my stare from his.  How could he talk to me about work right now?

"Andy," says Ian as he pops his head in through the cracked open door.  "I need you to come with me.  It's prep time."

I rose from the bed but Grey caught my wrist before I could escape.  When I tried to tear my wrist from his grip he gripped it tighter.

"Andy I need to tell you something."

"What?" I spat the words at him impatiently.

"I know you're angry with me right now.  It's because you aren't thinking clearly.  But listen to me when I say I love you.  Andy, you're my world.  You're my family.  You and Marcus, Angel and Hannah.  You guys are all I have.  Andy, if I lost you I'd lose myself."

I tore my wrist from his grasp.  I spared one long look at him before I left.  "I have to go," I said. I love you, Gray.  I love you more than anything.  You won't lose me, I promise baby.  I willed him to hear my thoughts though I knew he couldn't and with that I was gone.

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