Chapter 26

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I didn't think it was possible for a vampire to bleed out, so I was pretty sure I was going to be okay.  Still, I felt like I was dying.  I kept seeing myself throw Gray over the side of the building.  If a human had been thrown to the concrete from twenty-three stories above said concrete they would have splattered when they met the ground.  Gray stood and walked back into the office in search of the human I cared for most. My only thoughts were, How had Max gotten Gray to drink his blood? and Where was Marcus during all of this?

I felt like someone was standing on my throat.  It hurt so bad!  I wanted to rub it but I couldn't.

Where's Ian?  Did he survive my blood?  Was he already changed?  Would he know I saved him, that I turned him?  Would he run away once he was awake?  Would he come back to me?  My mind couldn't find a foot hold as I fell back into a bloodless abyss.  I was lost to the world.  Nothing slipped through.  Not a voice, not a light, not a though, nothing.

*  *  *  *  *

I sat strait up with a gasp and panted as my head swirled and tried to take in the room around me.  There were just so many people.  I could hear different heart beats all over the room and I wasn't sure who they were coming from.  The scent of too many people filled my lungs and my brain tried to hurry and compensate for what I had just been through.  How long had I been out and how many people were there in this room?  Where was I?

"Oh Andy, thank God!"  A familiar pair of arms, with a scent that I knew all too well, took me into an embrace and I relaxed completely.  Gray felt so good when he held me to his chest like this, which was all the time but that didn't matter, I still loved it.  "I didn't think you were ever gonna wake up!"

Another person ran over to me and took me in their arms.  "Oh, Trigger!"  Marcus.  he was the only one that called me that, besides Gray.  Mark just held me.  My eyes finally adjusted and I could see who all was in the room.  York and Mark and Gray and my secretary, Matty, and the woman I had grabbed before I saved Ian.

Ian!  I was suddenly frantic.  I shoved out of Mark's arms and looked around the room in a panic.  Ian was nowhere in sight.  "Ian!"  I could barely get the words out; I was so terrified.  "Where's Ian?"

"Relax, beautiful," Gray said and took me into his arms again.  "He's just fine.  He woke up this morning and was asking about you."

"Really?  Where is he?"  I looked into Gray's eyes and he gazed down at me as if he were looking into the face of an angel.  He was so in love with me.

"Bring him in," Gray said to Mark.

Mark lifted a walky-talky to his lips ans said, "She's ready."  The walky beeped when he let go of the button and there was a beep on the other side as whoever received the message.  The line went fuzzy for a moment and some one spoke through, "Roger that."

The door of my office creaked open and Ian peeked through.  "Ian," I said and his eyes darted to where I was.

"Andy!"  Ian flitted to me and ripped me from Gray's arms and he held me against his silent chest.  He was mine now.  My stomach fell and my chest ached.  He was mine.

"Ian, you're . . ."  I couldn't even fathom what I'd done.  His soul was lost, now.  I hadn't given him a choise.  Tears rolled out of my eyes.  "I'm so sorry!"

Ian silenced me with his lips.  He was still warm!  His lips felt wonderful!  My knees went weak.  Oh, Ian!  When he pulled away from me he smiled down at me lovingly.  It was such a wonderful feeling that my body actually caught a chill and my skin covered in goose bumps.  "Andy," Ian said.  The look in his eyes was almost that of Gray's.  They were daringly similar and I couldn't help but wonder if Ian was in love with me too.  Although, Ian's eyes were also filled with respect and joy and something else that I couldn't quite place.  "I'm fine!  You can stop worrying about me!  I like having fangs!  See?"  He leaned me back and showed me his magnificent fangs.  They were really in fantastic shape!

"Wow," was all I could say.  Gray stood up and scooped me up into his arms and kissed me on the forehead.  He layed me back down on the pull out and gave me a bag of blood as he cuddled up next to me.  "For me?"  I looked up at him with wonder filled eyes.

"Of course, it's for you, sweetness," he smiled.

"I still don't know how you get these," I said and shoved my fangs in.  I practically swooned it tasted so good.

"I told my blood guy that the girl I love with all my heart is in desperate need," he shrugged as if it was nothing.  I stopped drinking for a minute to look at him in awe until he noticed I had stopped.

"Don't stop on a count of me," he smiled.  "You saved two lives," he said and stroked my cheek.  "You've earned it."  I leaned into his hand and he cupped my face, stroking my cheek lightly with his thumb.  It felt really nice!

"We'll just show ourselves out," Matty said and shooed everyone but me and Gray out of my office.  When they were gone I had just finished off the blood bag.  Gray took it from me and shot it into the garbage can beside my desk.  That was a good shot.  For a human.

Gray turned back to me and wrapped his arms around me.  He snuggled up to me and kissed my scalp.  He sighed.  Something was weighing heavy on his mind.

"What's wrong?"

"Do you remember everything?"

"Yes," I said cringing.

"What happened?"  I felt him hold his breath.

"I was on the roof with Ian and then Max showed up.  He snapped his fingers and then you climbed up over the edge adn I tried to run to you but you grabbed me by the throat.  You didn't have me for very long, though, before I threw you over the edge.  I waited to move until you hit the concrete then I went after Max.  I guess while I was taking care of things with him you got up and came after Ian.  You had him finished off when I came in.  He couldn't have been saved by a doctor if they would have tried.  I saved Ian and then I went after you.  I had to almost drain you to knock you out and keep you off him.  I gave you my blood to bring you back to me."

"I remember that part," he said.  I cuddled up closer to Gray and tangled my legs around his.  I didn't want to be without him for a long time.  "It's all over now," he said and stroked my hair.  "We can move on."

For a long time we just held each other and listened to one another breathing.  I wanted nothing more.  Suddenly, I felt sleep tugging at my brain and I couldn't hold out any longer.  "Gray," I whisper just as I'm about to dose off, "I love you."

Right before I pass out I feel him kiss my skalp and lean in to whisper in my ear, "I love you too, Andy."


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