Chapter 1 - Our Sweet Start

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Candice's POV

I am very much excited, because today is my first day in college. My family moved into this city because of me. My parents dropped me in college and wished good luck. Actually the college started two days before my joining. I am new to this place and don't have any friends so I have to search for my class alone. I found my class after searching for 10 minutes. The class is about to start so I excused the professor and went into the class. He asked me to introduce myself to the class. Actually I expected some positive welcome sign from my class but everyone are busy in their world and they have their own group. No one is willing to take me in their group. I checked for empty seats in the classroom and found it at last where I have sat alone. When I was about to sit in my seat one of the girl in the class looked at me. I smiled at her and she smiled at me back. During break I went near the girl and talked to her. Her name is Hanna. I kind of liked her and she seems like my bestie. Since that day our friendship starts. Here comes our other friend Andrea , Andy. She doesn't make a very good impression on our class; she is kind of looked like a dork to everyone's eyes but I just think she is beautiful with her curly hair, and the big round eyes which she hide it with her big rimmed glass and the way she got dressed was too old fashioned with only faded colours. Everyone just made her think that she is invisible. But I just wanted to know her. Our lab day is the first day we talked. To my surprise she is much knowledgeable than me, but she is unable to express it. Hanna too got into the conversation and got impressed with Andy. We thought Andy needs an update. The problem with Andy is, she is too shy to open up to others especially to boys. We helped her to break out from that safe zone. From that day we were the trio gang. We often hang out at my home. Our days are filled with fun, gossip, laughter and so do our study. Hanna and I are not so good in our academic side. But Andy made us fight for our place in score board; it's kind of excited to study in a different way. We loved it. But problem aroused as we got on the bad side of misty's team, the team which is always on the top of the score board and act like queens of the college who seeks attraction from all especially from guys. Everyone slowly got friendly with us except misty's team. I could see the anger in her eyes every time we met, but I'm not feeling sorry for it. She deserved it. Hope she could realize what her problem is.

Hanna's POV

OMG ! Today is my first day of college life screamed my friend in phone, unlike her I'm not so excited for my first day. On the other hand I'm little scared to enter into a new environment in my life. Sorry I forget to intro me, I'm Hanna, only Hanna. Everyone wishes me best of luck and wished me to have great memories in my college. But I'm not sure about it. Here I go to my class which is already filled with a lot of girls and boys. On the first day itself some are chatting out of box as if they were friends for decades, I wondered how this could be possible. Later I found out that they were special kids who got to be here by some special connections. So no wonder why they are all freaky.

A new girl comes to my class on the third day of college, she is kind of opposite of me, looking strong and bold. She walked straight to the last seat which is been empty and sat there. I looked at her and she greeted with a huge smile on her face. During break she moved next to my seat and waved at me. I'm little surprised to have someone waving at me, I hesitated a bit but I waved back at her, then all of a sudden she got up and took my hand in her and shook it and said "I'm Candice, call me Candy "and smiled beautifully showing all her perfectly aligned teeth. Yeah! she is my bestie candy. I shook her hand and shyly said " I am Hanna, only Hanna". She said "Nice name...But I would like to call you as Hanny...Is that okay with you???". I said "No problem for me...Actually I loved it..." To my surprise I got a lot of friends all because of candy. She is an open up person, so everyone kind of liked her. Soon we got a new friend Blake from our class. He is one of the popular guy in our college and topper in academics. He is also a happy go person and sometimes crazy enough to kill. We had so much fun together. He is also one of the reason for our academic achievement.

The next day got us all exited, our department function is on the way. We were all separated to groups and pairs and got allotted to some tasks. It was good by pains. Candy got paired with Mark, the scholar. I got paired with a guy called Jason from next class. He is good in his work, but act like almighty which I totally hate. Blake is with Misty, our enemy. Yeah misty and her friend were not in good term with us since last cultural meet, where we won the best performer award which she desires a lot. From that day onward we became enemies officially.

Our task is to give invitations to other colleges. When we are about go we saw Blake is coming towards us. He asked "What you are doing here?" I said "We are going to invite other colleges for cultural and you have to go with Misty for helping cultural preparations". He looked at Candy and Mark then grinned. He said to Mark" Hey Mark, Can you go and help with Misty? I will go with Candice". Mark nodded and went. When Misty is asking Blake "why are you doing like this?" he ignored her and walked towards Candy. Misty's face is fully red with this insult and she throws an angry look at Blake and Candy. I can't control my laugh by looking at Misty face. Nowadays Blake looks somewhat abnormal when he is with candy. I smell something fishy but not sure.

Blake's POV

I enjoyed my days in college because I got many friends in first day itself. As days went, one day I saw a girl in my college searching for something while holding a piece of paper in her hand. I had an urge to help her find what she is searching. I checked my watch it shows 8:50 am. My class is about start in 10 minutes so I ignored my thought of helping her and started running towards my class. I came 5 minutes early to my class and the professor came in same time. But still I am thinking about the girl who I saw today. When my professor was about to start the class someone interrupted from outside. I was shocked to see the girl; she is the same one who I met outside. The girl introduced herself as new admission and told her name is Candice. The name really suits her well and so her hair which is shiny and straight with her round big beautiful eyes. My eyes unknowingly followed her way. Middle of the lecture I turned to look at her but she is very much immersed in lecture. I saw her talking with Hanna during break. I also wanted to talk with her, my legs automatically took me there and I said hello to them. We started talking about ourselves and got to realize that our likes are common, that we were having similar taste that made us very close. Day by day I am learning new things about her. She is different from normal girls and a good friend of mine.

Everything got changed one day. During cultural preparation everyone are busy with their works. I haven't seen Candice for two days. So I thought today I must see her. I was searching for her in college for a long time and finally saw her in our college ground. I saw Candice and Hanna with Mark and Jason. Candice is laughing with Mark. On seeing this, unknown anger raised inside me. I walked towards her and asked "What you guys are doing here?". Hanna said "We were going to invite other colleges for cultural and you have to go with Misty for helping cultural preparations". I asked " we means who??" Hanna said " Me and Jason are going to some colleges and Candy and Mark to remaining colleges". On hearing this I can't think straight. I don't want her to go with Mark. My anger is getting increased whenever I am looking at Candice and Mark. I asked Mark" Hey Mark, Can you go and help with Misty? I will go with Candice". Mark nodded and went. I went with Candice to give invitation. After coming home also, my thoughts are filled about her. I'm not sure about my feelings exactly. But one thing for sure is that I liked her and just don't want her to be with other guys. I don't want to waste my time questioning this. All I care about was to spend my time with her.

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