Random Story :)

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Hey hey!
So I had to write a few paragraphs about a business meeting for an online course I'm doing....
And I wanted to include some of my favourite characters!!!
It was actually pretty easy, and I passed with flying colours 😂😂

The Business Meeting

Every fortnight we have a team meeting. We discuss anything from the organisational structure and if everyone is clear with their new job roles, to our performance and productivity as a team, to whether the online management system is performing as expected. Which, more than often than not, it isn't. We usually spend half the time arguing with the IT guys about it, but they insist the problem is in the handling, and not the programming. So yesterday we agreed on some new protocols that would allow us administration staff to log requests for assistance when the system goes down. But that wasn't all we achieved.

We managed to consume two plates of donuts and 3 rounds of coffee, all the while Kaiden kept bickering with Chesca about her plan to re-engage the mature age market. She is certain her new marketing strategy will work, while Kaiden just sits there rolling his eyes and mouthing who-knows-what behind his napkin. Charles, our level-headed finance officer, kindly informed us for the twenty-seventh time that we do not have the funds in our budget to cover the new promotional tools. I agreed, until Chesca delivered her perfectly rehearsed speech about how we can save here and there, and redirect the funds to her very important department. 'What's a company if people don't know about it?' she cleverly asked, and no one could argue with that, especially when donuts stuffed their mouths shut. I think that was all part of her plan.

There was, however, one good outcome of the meeting. We're getting a new boss. He spent ten minutes introducing himself, and he's personable enough in my opinion. Perhaps this Mr Elbert, who hails from the Wall Street stock exchange, will actually look out for us little guys and take the time to remember our names.

The meeting concluded, and I honestly have no further clue about how to deal with my tiresome clients. Customer service was meant to be the exciting and rewarding department of our retirement super fund company. But who wants to deal with people who rave on and on about their waterfront home, the latest cruise they've just been on, and how they've already planned their next three holidays in advance? All the while I sit here in my tiny office with 27 years of work left on my timecard. I guess it gives me something to look forward to.
But after yesterday's meeting, I think I'm going to need another of Chesca's donuts.

Was this funny? No? Ok.....

Chapter 11 of Alphas' Shatter Zone will be posted tomorrow!!
Stay tuned :) ❤️❤️

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