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So I'm updating early because it's holidays, and I'm eager to know what you think of this chapter!! There will be secrets revealed, some crazy stuff happening, more questions raised than answers, and gahhh I love the drama!! 😂😂

The song above fits really well. Dangerous to Know by Hilary Duff.

Some secrets need to be kept

Some stories should never told

Some reasons shouldn't be understood
They just might turn your blood cold

Who said the truth's gonna save you, when the truth could be dangerous?

Who said the truth's gonna save you, when the truth could be dangerous?

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2629 words

Chesca yanked the cupboard open and sighed after her eyes skimmed over the contents. "Nothing!" she exasperated.

She pulled open the next one beside the fridge. "Come on, come on," she rummaged through the packets and boxes of healthy food. "Ah ha! Thank you, Jackson," she pulled out a jar of nutella and retrieved a spoon from the cutlery drawer.

It was early, the sun was shining in through the kitchen blinds, and pretty much everybody in the mansion by the sea was still asleep, including the washed-out Alpha of the place who had consumed way too many drinks last night. Kaiden also was resting peacefully up in his and Chesca's room, but she was wide awake. She didn't seem to have the ability to sleep in even on her holidays, but instead her mind was spinning, tumbling, racing, doing everything but resting. How could it when her mate slept only feet away, his presence filling her every sense, and his kiss from the night before still tingling on her lips.

So here she was, in the massive and fancy kitchen that was filled with expensive appliances. She wondered who used them all, as Jackson didn't look like the kind of man to cook much. He probably spent every spare second in the gym downstairs, judging by the size of his muscles these days.

Chesca pulled out a bar stool and sat at the island. The decor and colour scheme of the kitchen said modern but beachy, and her eyes roamed over it all while she ate a spoonful of the chocolate spread.

It wasn't long before she was back to pondering her predicament.

Kaiden had been the perfect gentleman the last few days, going out of his way to do nice things for her and make sure she was well and comfortable. Ever since he'd rescued her from the cold stream the other night, he seemed to appreciate her as a person, and not just someone he could use for his own gain.

But it was still hard seeing his old girlfriend around, and wondering how he felt about her still. If he had never stumbled across Chesca and discovered she was his mate before killing her, would he still be with Miranda? Was she Kaiden's type? Was she the person he desired, and would have chosen had he had a choice?

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