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Early update for you all cos I'm so generous and love you to bits :) please vote and let me know your thoughts ☺️☺️

2778 words

"Aye, be quiet down there!" an angry voice accompanied heavy footsteps as a guard stomped down the stairs. "Shut it, ya hear?" He rattled the bars of Chesca and Kaiden's cell, glaring at them both which momentarily made them shut their mouths.

"We were only talking," Kaiden defended sulkily.

"Yeah, like what else could they be doing?" a male voice commented slyly from another cell. "You've got them chained apart, thank goodness."

"Watch your mouth, Benny," Kaiden warned him hotly, making Chesca wonder just who else was imprisoned down here, and what their relationship to her mate was.

She had somehow forgotten their conversation could be heard by others down in the dungeon, not that it was explicit or anything. She was only going through her heat, she was trapped in a cell with her mate who desired her as much as she wanted him despite the blood and dirt coating both their bodies, her pack was currently being overtaken by Kaiden's father and her traitorous sister, and they still didn't have any plan of how to do something about it all.

Yes, topics for light conversation. What was the guard's problem?

"No colluding with fellow prisoners," the young guard intoned as if quoting from a rule book, before he opened the cell and stalked towards Chesca gleefully. "Are you behaving down here, sweetheart?" He lifted a hand to caress her cheek, but she jerked away and spat on him. "Ooh, feisty doggy," the guard chuckled and remained firmly in his spot, not the least perturbed by her snarls or Kaiden's growls. "Oh sugar, you smell so good," he leaned in closer and inhaled her scent deeply.

"Get away from her," Kaiden demanded and yanked uselessly on his chains for what seemed to be the hundredth time. They weren't getting any looser.

The guard threw an amused look over his shoulder at his helpless former Alpha, before turning back to Chesca with a frown. "What happened to your arm? Did Stanley hurt you, deary?" His fingers brushed across her shoulder, pushing back her shirt sleeve and revealing the bandage along with a good amount of skin.

"Get your hands off my mate!" The deadly growl echoed the shivers of disgust in Chesca's stomach as the stupid guard continued his perusal of her exposed shoulder and neck. No matter how far away she leaned or wriggled in her constraints, the guard only took it as more challenge to keep touching what wasn't his, and what no one could stop him from doing.

His stinky breath fanned in her face as he pressed closer still, and Chesca squeezed her eyes shut just as a mighty roar rang out through the dungeons. The sound of snapping iron chains followed, and heavy clanking as the metal fell to the ground.

She had no time to see what was going on before the guard was yanked away from her and went crashing to the ground, Kaiden's strong body pinning him down.

"Nobody touches my mate!" Kaiden roared as he cracked the guard's neck in half, the deadly cold sound ricocheting off the concrete walls and settling somewhere in Chesca's buzzing mind.

Panting heavily, her mate arose and snatched the keys from the dead guard's belt.
Without a word spoken between them, yet his dark and swirling eyes never leaving hers, Kaiden unlocked her wrists one by one. As soon as her arms were free, she threw them around Kaiden's neck and crashed her lips onto his. He pushed her against the wall and deepened the kiss, wrapping his hands around her waist, then sliding them up carefully to hold her face. Then they roamed along her arms and down her back, feeling her all over as if to make sure she wasn't broken anywhere.

The Alpha's Shatter Zone ✔️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora