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Dedicated to -Iridescently-
Thank you for sticking with my story ❤️ your support is very appreciated 😊

The music above is the kind of stuff I listen to a lot while writing :) Alan Walker style EDM, among other things.

2608 words ☺️

The firm jaw on his handsome face was covered in a stubbled shadow that only made him more enticing.

She snapped her eyes away. "So you do still live here," she muttered.

"Hello, Beautiful," he came up behind her and whispered near her ear. His fingers lightly brushed her waist, but she put her hand in his face and pushed him away.

"Leave me alone," she didn't even look up at him, just kept her eyes glued to her soggy flakes. Lexi not-so-subtly kicked her foot, and she resisted the urge to knock her off the chair. Looking up at her mate, she pasted on a sweet smile, "Have a good sleep?" she asked extra politely.

A lazy smile spread across his face as he regarded her. "Could've been better," he replied without missing a beat, his eyebrow raised knowingly, then he winked at her.

She quickly got up, her chair skidding backwards. Throwing a glare at Lexi that said See! she grabbed her bowl and stormed out without a backwards glance.

Later that day, the fresh air that accompanied the afternoon glare of the setting sun did wonders to shoot some energy back into Chesca. After spending the day in her office with her Beta, and successfully managing to avoid her mate, she decided she needed a break.
The ache in her head had eventually pushed her from her seat, and it felt good to stretch her legs as she jogged to the training field with Charles.

"Charles, what do you think of Kaiden?" she turned and asked suddenly.

He didn't seem surprised by the question, but stared off into the distance for a moment as if choosing his words carefully. "He seems rather arrogant, but he is also intelligent, to be certain. I would hazard a guess that his attitude is used to mask underlying insecurities, faults he assumes would lessen him in others' eyes. He is confident he is sure of his actions, but I've also seen a moment or two of self-doubt."

"So, you're saying, he may act like he knows what he's doing, but really he's just pretending?"

"In a way. Everyone pretends to a small degree, until we feel safe enough to open up. I believe he came here with a plan to harm you, but the more he gets to know you, he is beginning to care for you."

"For me? Care? Kaiden care for me?" she stopped just short of bursting out laughing. "That's a paradox, Charles. Tell me another."

The depth behind her Beta's small grin told her he was amused but also serious.
"I won't deny he intended to take your pack as his own, but the more he learns about it, I think he respects us and your leadership."

"So... he'll stop working against me, and recognise I'm the Alpha?"

Charles furrowed his brow, "It will take him a while to put aside his natural instinct to lead. He is a born Alpha, after all. And his masculine pride will not easily submit to a female Alpha, especially in light of the fact that you're his mate."

"Wow, thanks for the positive outlook," she sighed.

"Just give it time, is my best advice. Get to know him and try to understand where he's coming from. The more antagonistic you are towards him, he'll just instantly get defensive of himself and you'll never reach a sustainable agreement," he watched her to see if she understood.

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