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The metal felt refreshingly cool under her touch, and Chesca's fingers curled around the arm of her chair. Her grip tightened the more he stared at her. The man from the forest, the one who had tried seducing her, the one Kaiden claimed was his brother, was at this very moment standing in her reception hall.

The last rays of the moon seeped through the large windows, and the smooth tiles that overlaid the floor gleamed their reflections. The reflection of his smug expression she just wanted to wipe from his face.

"A female Alpha," he said carefully, his stylish fringe barely out of place despite the rough handling from her and her guards. "You've really outdone yourself this time, Bro," he winked at Kaiden, who stood scowling beside Chesca.

She sat with her back straight on the large chair that was perched on a raised platform. It felt like a throne, the polished steel engraved with intricate designs of vines and leaves. She saw them as intertwined hearts, and liked to think that's where her pack name came from; SteelHeart. A symbol and testament to their strength in the face of adversity and heartbreak, their tenacity as strong and unbreakable as steel.

"Who would've guessed you'd finally find your mate," he gave a small chuckle that sat awkwardly in the air, and made Chesca's skin crawl.

"Does Father know?" Kaiden growled lowly, his hands balling in fists.

"Father knows everything," the man shot back quickly, a gleam in his dark brown eyes. He walked back and forth in front of them, an air of authority and superiority as if he owned the place and they were merely gracing him with their presence.

"What are you doing here, Elah?" Kaiden asked darkly.

Elah. Interesting name. It suited him in a strange way. Strange man; strange name.

Chesca got the feeling there was something off between him and Kaiden.

"Am I not allowed to visit my dear big brother?" he quirked an eyebrow and gave a look of innocence.

"You were on my territory," Chesca pointed out coldly, leaning forward to emphasise her authority.

"I just followed my brother's scent. I knew he wasn't dead yet, so...I figured it was safe enough," he shrugged casually.

"I'll show you what safe looks like," Lexi stepped forward, pushing up her sleeves and cracking her knuckles.

"Lexi, don't," Chesca stopped her, knowing how physical her head guard could take things. But she wanted to talk and find out more about this man. His face was already messed enough from Kaiden's blows, but something told her he'd seen worse and relished in his ability to handle it. He displayed an insistence to come out on top no matter the adversary.

"That's it. Down, doggy," Elah gave Lexi a patronising smile filled with amusement.

"Why, I oughta—"

"Lexi." Chesca warned, but understood perfectly just how much Lexi was boiling inside. It seemed these brothers had the fine art of infuriating women down pat. Did no one teach respect these days?

"What is it you really want, Elah?" Kaiden asked, this time taking his brother's collar in his fist.

Elah jutted his chin and chuckled, "You miss me?"

Kaiden shoved him back. "Don't mess with me. If Dad thinks he can—"

"Cool your engines, Turbo. Daddy dearest has nothing to do with this. He couldn't care less what you're doing. But I heard wind you got yourself a mate and wanted to see it for myself. Is there a crime against that?" he shrugged himself free from his brother's grip.

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