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It was late afternoon by the time they arrived at the TidalBay Pack airport. Golden sunshine glinted off the blue ocean, and white caps from the waves streaked the surface of the water.  Roman landed perfectly, with a slight tilt of the wings as a welcome to those down below.

"Kaiden, Chesca, good to see you again," Alpha Asa greeted them warmly once they'd walked across the tarmac and entered the spacious airport. He eyed Elah with suspicion before giving Roman a hearty handshake.

A warm hand on her back made Chesca turn quickly.
"Looking gorgeous, as always," the smooth voice whispered gently in her ear.

"Alpha Jackson!"

The small grin on his tanned face stretched lazily as he eyed her up and down. "Welcome to my pack," he stepped back and spread his arm to take in the view beyond the glass windows. She could hear the gentle roar of the waves as they crashed along the shoreline, and could feel the salty breeze ruffle her hair as they stepped out of the main entrance and headed towards a few sleek, silver sedans. Alpha Jackson guided her to the front one in the lineup, and held open the door for her.

"Thanks," she murmured, grinning to herself when she heard Kaiden's small grunt of disapproval.

The oceanic blue colour of Jackson's eyes was just as she remembered, but the small sparkle in them as he winked at her was definitely new. His muscular body was loosely covered in a relaxed button up and chinos, and his blond, wavy hair was streaked with golden, sun-kissed highlights.

Dismissing the strange feeling his image stirred in her stomach, she put thoughts of the past behind her and tried to think of the upcoming meeting. Whatever had been between her and Jacks, as she used to call him, was long diminished and put to rest, thankfully. Like the sailors that left port and set sail to far-off wars or adventures, and never came back the same, so had the both of them embarked on separate courses, widening the gap between them. This journey to Jackson's pack was purely business; it was for Alphas Asa and Dennison she came.

"Wow, your place is even more massive than I remember," Kaiden remarked as they all piled out once they reached Alpha Jackson's estate. A long drive, lined with magnificent palms, stretched its way up to a stately mansion. The white washed, three story structure was modern, relaxed and beachy, giving off a holiday house vibe, while also maintaining an air of importance and exclusivity. It was like that with everything about the Alpha of TidalBay. Only Jackson could pull off such effortless sophistication.

"How about I show you to your rooms, then we'll have something to eat out on the main deck," Jackson ushered them into his expansive foyer that was lavishly furnished.

"Sounds like a plan," Kaiden agreed and slung his bag over his shoulder. The fact he also carried Chesca's wasn't lost on her. He'd politely taken it from the car before she got the chance.

For a brief moment, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath of the calming atmosphere. Before it was shattered by a grating voice.

"I see you've all come to be enlightened by my latest revelations."

Alpha Dennison. Tall and slight, late 40s with silver streaks in his jet black hair. His blue eyes held a piercing calculation that searched you and always came up lacking. Everyone was lacking in his judgment, and Chesca had tried to maintain a sense of self-worth in his presence, but it was hard when he never failed to berate her one way or the other. The mere tilt of his thin lips could disgust and affect you, sending waves of apprehension rolling over your shoulders like the crack of a twig in a dark forest. His mind was like a tangled jungle or forest, a mess of shadows that spewed out twisted logic and insensibilities, yet assumed it was the only thing that made sense.

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