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Chesca tapped furiously away at the keys, typing a correspondence that should've been sent a week ago. It was getting harder to complete the usual Alpha tasks when a particular someone kept fighting for prominence in her mind. In one week, Kaiden had managed to make her feel almost in love with him, like he was the answer to all her heart's yearnings, then make it all come crashing down in a tumbling wall of fury.

He might be able to save her from a nightmarish storm, but he could just as easily wring her heart with his harsh words and belittling accusations. Saying she shouldn't have killed someone to protect her pack members? Who did he think he was, some arrogant and almighty god who had the right to put her in her place? Well, her place was fulfilling the duties to her pack like she'd been doing for five long and solitary years. Nothing he could say would stop her now.

"Stop, Chesca. You're about to break the keyboard. What did the poor laptop ever do to you?"

"Grr, get out, Lexi!" Chesca snarled and threw a stapler at her friend's head.

Lexi easily caught it and chuckled, "Anyone would think you were the pregnant wolf. Your mood swings are rivalling mine, I'm sure."

"Why are you here?" the Alpha ignored Lexi's jibes, taking a deep breath to calm the irritation that raced through her heated veins.

"I was wondering if you'd seen Roman anywhere," Lexi plopped herself in the comfiest chair opposite Chesca's desk and examined her nails.

"He's not with Charles?"

Lexi gave her a duh look, "You don't think I checked with him before disturbing my irritable Alpha?"

Chesca rolled her eyes. "Fine. What about with the warriors down by the east ridge? I stationed a few of them on that rotation for the week, remember?"

"A few of them are missing too."

"Missing?" Chesca sat up straighter in her chair and examined her head guard closely. "What do you mean by, missing?"

Lexi's expression turned serious, as serious as when explaining about three rogues they'd had to put down, or the fate of the most recent raid on an enemy's secret bunker, or the lack of pickles in the pack house's pantry. "No one has seen a few of them since dawn this morning. Nor your mate, for that matter."

"Pff, who cares about him," Chesca waved her hand dismissively, events of the previous night playing like a broken record in her head. Good riddance, she muttered under her breath, dismissing the contradicting tug on her heart as her wolf missed his close presence and touch.

"All I'm saying is, something is going on, and you should try and figure out what. Can you sense them on our territory?"

Chesca shifted uneasily, closing her eyes and spreading out her Alpha awareness of her pack members. "I'm not...I'm not sure," she re-opened her eyes and look nervously at Lexi.

"See what I mean?" the guard raised her eyebrows in apprehension.

"Alright, let's go see what's going on."

For the next hour, Chesca and Lexi roamed the close proximity around the pack house, then expanded their search into the foothills and valleys of the range and forest. No one had seen them, nor had any idea of where they might have gone. With a growing sense of infuriation, Chesca cursed her mate and any stupid plan he had underway this time. "When I find Kaiden, I'm gonna kill him," she threatened slowly, earning a bemused snort from Lexi.

At around noon, she finally felt them slink back passed the borders and head toward the centre of her pack. She and Lexi quickly made their way to meet up with them, and caught them trying to sneak into the medical clinic.

The Alpha's Shatter Zone ✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें