Chapter Twenty Two - Grant

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Grant loaded the last of the bags onto the supply cart heading up to the lost city. He smiled remembering the new name. Everyone was calling it the Gateway to Tarra now.

'Where be Zdana?' Grant looked over his shoulder to see Toren watching him amused. 'Thought you two never be leave'n each other's sides these days.' He and Zdana had taken a great deal of good natured teasing since they became lovers.

'She is back in Gateway enjoying her father's gift.' Grant replied as he stepped back from the cart. The handcar took off heading back home. He wished he was on it, but had promised to help seal the mines. It was not as if he could spend time with Zdana anyway. Her father had shown up at the power plant two days ago with a group of five people who helped operate the Capital's core reactors.

Orick had told most of his contacts what had happened and their plans. He offered them all a spot in Gateway and all chose to come. With them, they brought enough supplies that insured the city would thrive the entire time they were there. Even better, when they did go to the surface, they would be going with everything they would need to rebuild and start their new lives.

'Mayor said something about that.' Toren chuckled. 'He be a little steamed at Orick for not talk'n to the others first. Should be know'n by now Orick has his own rules. Man may be a miserable shit, but he be honorable and no be leave'n nobody who be help'n us behind.' Grant nodded his agreement.

'Zdana told Stine last night with all the new help, they should have the reactor back online in a few days. It is ready now, but they want to run test first.' He told his friend. 'She is letting the new council announce that we will seal the city in a month.'

'Aye,' Toren said with a nod as the two headed back toward the Fens. 'What's this I be hear'n bout them have'n tapes of the outside?'

'That's right.' Grant said grinning at the young man. 'You were down here. One of those crates that were marked as expedition crates in the warehouse, had a sealed containers with information disk in it. While Daily was designing, and building the Gateway, the Council ordered drones out to the surface. There is tons of data on plant and animal life.'

'What you be mean'n?' Toren asked frowning to him. 'There be gardens and farms up there?'

'No, it is all wild.' Grant told him remembering the pages of information. 'Think of that dirt patch in the park that had just started to grow green now that the lights are back on. It is just everywhere and very thick. Animals too. Hundreds of different kinds. Crandall is working on a way to copy the information and hand it out to everyone. The books of data had been left to help those returning to the surface survive when they came out. There are also books for basic tool making that the smiths took. They can make pickaxes and shovels, but some of the tools in the books they had never heard of and went to work on them.'

'It's go'na be a long couple of years of wait'n.' Toren sighed and Grant agreed. He was eager to get up there and see this amazing world for himself. Orick was waving at them from the tunnel that led up to the main elevator. They did not have to get close to see the man's scowl. He looked ready to rip someone's head off.

'Elevator is coming down.' He warned them. 'Grab a pick or shovel and get your asses moving.' He did not give them a chance to answer or ask questions before he turned and ran down the tunnel. Grant ran over and grabbed the two picks from a pile of tools. After tossing one to Toren, he ran to catch up with Orick.

There were roughly thirty of them left in this area. Every one of them had a weapon in their hands. Orick stood above all of them clutching a pry bar that was longer than Grant was tall. Three from the deeps, were at the front of the line ready to tear apart any city watch that came off the elevator.

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