Chapter Forty Four - Grant

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'This be concrete.' Vallidro said worried as he ran his hand over the smooth stone. 'I be guess'n here, but I think it be have'n steel supports. Be the only reason it be last'n this long and not collapse'n.' Grant nodded frowning. They had dug in shifts nonstop to reach the long walk. He himself had not slept since he watched Zdana battle and kill a massive creature that had wondered into the tunnel. Last he checked her, she was sleeping but the rock did not tell him if she was hurt or not. Zava said it had knocked her down at one point so he was sure his mate was wounded. The anger and frustration of the last several hours had him so tense his jaw was hurting.

'How long to be break'n through?' Zava asked worried before she touched the smooth stone again. 'She still be sleeping, but her aura is dimming. I think she be in big trouble. Her poppa is right there with her and souls not be cling'n like that unless there be big trouble.' Vallidro nodded his agreement.

'Truth, I not be'n sure.' The old man admitted. 'Not all of concrete be made by Mother. Can't be read'n it as well as stone. Can't be tell'n how thick it is. Maybe another hour.' Grant shook his head. It was not an acceptable answer.

'Hold on.' Zava said stiffening. 'She be awake.' Grant pressed his hand to the stone and looked for himself. Zdana, who's aura normally shined like a sun was very diminished. She stumbled drunkenly her left arm hanging useless. Her right was outstretched as if she could not see. Then she stopped and a moment later collapsed in a heap.

'No!' He roared panicked as her aura dulled even more. Grant grabbed a pick out of one of the digger's hands and both Vallidro and Zava dove out of his way as he swung at the wall. All the frustration and helplessness roared up from the down deep and was fed by pure blind panic.

All the two had been through together to get this far. Fighting the Capital, finding the lost city and learning all its secrets. All the senseless death and loss to gain freedom for their people. He would not lose them now. Not when they were this close to escaping the underground. He could feel a powerful entity arrive, but did not pause in his digging.

'Mores is almost free!' Orick roared in his head. 'Hurry boy!' Grant roared and threw his body against the concrete. The stone cracked and broke caving in badly where he had dug deep into it. The second blow, and Grant broke through falling into the long walk. He wasted no time and stood roaring his rage. Gripping his pick, he sprinted toward the dying fire in the distance. He could just make out Mores standing over a still figure in the stream. The councilman raised a large knife aimed at his mate's abdomen. Fearing he would not make it in time, Grant heaved the pick with all of his strength. It flew through the air tuning end over end before the pointed end burred itself into the arm Mores was holding the knife with. The councilman screeched dropping the knife and fell trying to get the pick out.

His eyes widened as Grant entered the fire light. Mores tried to back away, but Grant grabbed him by the throat and threw him into the far wall. The sickening crunch of bone would have been satisfying had he not caught a glimpse of his still mate.

Half of Zdana's body was in the stream flowing down the long walk. She was pale as death and disturbingly still. Falling to his knees he pulled her ice cold body from the water and cradled her in his arms.

'Do not leave me love.' He whispered. 'You are the flame of my life. Without you, I cannot be.' He kissed her forehead feeling the heat of fever. 'Is that why you went into the stream?' He whispered understanding. 'You knew you were sick and needed to cool off?'

'Zdana!' Zava screamed from down the tunnel. The woman appeared in the light and fell to her knees beside Grant her face covered with tears.

'She has a fever.' Grant told her. 'She went into the stream to break it, but I think she was too weak to get back out. We need to warm her up now.' Zava nodded and stood helping him up. Grant carried her to the dying fire. 'This is not going to work.'

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