Chapter Forty One - Zdana

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Keeping as quiet as she could, she moved into the tunnel leading toward the Fens. She would have to find a way through to get to the tunnel to processing. The elevator there was the only way up to the long walk. She felt Logan urge her to stop and she did. A moment later she heard the foot falls of a patrol passing ahead. Her poppa signaled her the all clear and she moved on.

The two joined her the moment she had left the new cave. Zdana had been so shocked, she had lost the ability to move. For years, she had listened to stories about feeling the souls of the dead in the stone, but she had never had that ability before. Even now, it was not easy for her to see into the stone like her momma and grandfather.

'Slow down pup.' Orick's whisper sent a chill down her spine but she did what she was told.

'Hold.' Logan whispered from the stone. She could feel the two leave her as she hid herself in a small indentation in the wall. Her mind drifted back to Grant. The fear and worry that flow from him when she first felt his call ripped at her soul. She hated that she had not told him what she planned to do. Even if he had not argued against it however, he never would have let her come alone.

If she was caught and he was with her, she knew the city watch would kill one of them to get the other to talk. Her sanity would not survive if she had to watch her mate murdered. It was bad enough she was risking their child. The guilt for that would hunt her to her death. Logan and her poppa returned.

'A choice must be made.' Logan whispered from the stone. 'Mother can help you return to the others. With no one on the surface, more than half will not make it up. The mine tunnels ahead are too packed to sneak through. To get up the lift, you will need to be captured.'

Zdana sighed shaking her head. It had been something she had been thinking over for a while and knew it was a possibility. She could not let her people be killed if there was something she could do to prevent it.

'I have to try.' She whispered rubbing her eyes. 'Mother forgive me for putting my baby at more risk, I have to try.' Orick's energy wrapped around her and she closed her eyes unable to stop the tears that flow from them. 'I miss you poppa. I wish you could have seen your grandbaby born.'

'I will.' He whispered. 'Your momma and I raised you to be strong and never give up child. You will make it through this and I will see my grandchild born. I am always with you pup, you just could not feel it until now.' She smiled and wiped the tears away.

Getting to her feet, she moved toward the cave that led to the Fens. When caught, she would not fight them. Maybe it will keep the beating she received to a minimum. 'Pup, they think you are crippled still, do not let them think otherwise.' Smiling, she realized the genus of the plan. Her back and leg still housed the scars they gave her, and all she needed to do was fake a limp. She just wished she had thought to bring her old brace, but that was back in Gateway.

Less than twenty feet from the Fens, a bright light shined directly into her eyes blinding her. Her heart leapt into her throat as a shrill alarm sounded followed by shouts of alarm.

'Don't move!' a male voice bellowed. Zdana raised her hands showing they were empty and did nothing to hide her panic and fear. Logan and her poppa stayed close to her, but were silent as a group of city watchmen advanced on her pointing stunners at her.

'It's a miner.' The leader of the group said stunned. 'Call topside and alert control.' The woman to his right nodded and backed off speaking into her shoulder microphone. 'You girl, down on the ground hands behind your head.' She moved slow not wanting to make any sudden movements. Favoring her left leg, she lay down on the hard stone path. Before she could move her hands, the man was on her jerking her arms behind her back and putting on restraints. 'Up!' He ordered and pulled her up by her arms. Pushing her hard in the back, she stumbled forward and let herself fall again.

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