Chapter Twenty Seven - Zdana

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Watching Grant leave, she felt very happy for the man. They had spoken a few times about his childhood and she knew he missed having family around him. Looking back to her grandpa she found him smiling as well.

'He be good people.' Olson said looking to her. 'They be desurve'n to be know'n about each other.' She nodded her agreement. 'With the games being brought back, we be have'n all the games. You be remember'n how to be use'n one?' He handed her a beautiful black bow and she took a moment to look it over.

'This is Mother's stone.' Zdana said stunned. She had heard of the material, but never see it before. When it was first discovered, the Capital deemed it useless. The fools had no idea what it was and how to use it. When forged using fire rock, it gained the lightness and flexibility of wood, however maintained the strength of metal. She was sure it was even stronger than santronium, which was to her knowledge the strongest metal on Terra. This bow fit her hand as if it had been made for her.

'Aye.' Her grandpa confirmed. 'I be find'n a big deposit in the deeps with fire stone. Your poppa be trade'n it from me. He be ask'n Kenya to be forge'n it for him.' She looked the bow over again. This bow was not big enough for her poppa. The few times she had seen him shoot his bow had been amazing, but the bow was bigger than she was. 'It be for you pup.' Olson told her looking sad. 'He be want'n to give it to you for your nameday. It be a few months away, but I think he be want'n you to have it for the games.'

Her knees felt weak and her eyes filled with tears as the terrible ache in her chest returned. Sitting on the step of her home her vision blurred with tears as she stared at the bow. She had forgotten her twenty first name day was two months away. Her poppa had been very excited.

'Don't think that just because you will be officially an adult,' Orick had said to her once. 'that you will be moving out on me and claiming a mate. There is no rush at all and I will crush the skull of anyone that says otherwise.' He then went to work tickling her sides until she was breathless with laughter. Olson held her as she cried for the loss of such an amazing man.

'He be with the Mother now child.' Olson soothed. 'The rock be remembering your poppa long from now. He be a true force.' That had her giggling through the tears.

'He really was wasn't he?' She sniffed. 'Did momma tell you about the last games?' Her grandfather shook his head. 'Poppa had decided not to compete. He was the strongest Fens men and even the Deeps men had trouble taking him down. There was no sport in it for him.'

'I could be see'n that.' Olson chuckled sitting beside her. She looked over the bow as she continued.

'Dell had taken spear throwing, beating out Fens and Deep folks.' She shook her head. 'He was feeling cocky with the help of some moss beer and jumped into the strength matches. He did good and took the match for strongest of the Fens. By then, he was very drunk and started talking loudly about poppa not competing this year. Said it was no wonder he didn't want to. The competition was so pathetic his crippled little mutt could take them out.' Olson snarled in rage. 'Poppa felt the same. He stood up and went to Dell. Challenged him to a hammer contest. Dell went first and drove the nail half way in. Then it was poppa's turn. Dell was so drunk he could hardly hold the nail straight. I have no idea how he managed to sink his half way, but when poppa hit the nail, it sunk the whole way in, cracked the bolder, and broke Dell's hand. Poppa grabbed him with one hand and picked him up off the ground where he had shit himself and was crying. He said to him, 'If you ever, speak of my daughter that way again, next time it will be your head instead of your hand.' He made Dell apologize to me before he would let him go to the doctors.' Olson chuckled smiling.

'Aye. Orick be a good man. No be want'n Zava to take him as a mate, but I know there be no better man that can be protect'n her and treat'n her good.' He cocked his head studying her. 'You be grow'n close to Grant. He be good people. Even Orick be like'n him, and you know how your poppa be with men who like you.' She nodded.

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