Chapter Thirty Two - Grant

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Rubbing his eyes, he tried to focus on what Reese was saying. Zava, Olson, and his own family stood glaring murder at the two doctors.

'There is no explanation for it.' Reese pleaded for them to understand. 'Everything went as it should have. She should have woken up two days ago.'

'Than why she still be sleep'n?' Zava demanded motioning to Zdana who was still on the bed at his side. Her left leg was in a heavy cast propped up on pillows. 'You be tell'n us this be safe. This be help'n. Why she not be wake'n?'

'She is safe.' Panta assured them all. 'Everything went as planned and when the new break heals, it should improve her quality of life immensely. As to why she has not woken, we do not know. I took some blood samples and all of the sedative has left her system.'

'Yet, she still be sleeping.' Olson said annoyed.

'Aye,' Reese agreed 'but it is not our doing. I assure you we have done nothing she has not agreed to.'

'How do we wake her then?' Grant asked looking to where he held tight to Zdana's hand. 'Can you give her a shot of something?'

'We have, and there was no response.' Panta assured him. Olson let out an annoyed grunt before walking to the other side of the bed and taking Zdana's other hand into his. Grant understood how the old Deeps men felt. He had to leave when they broke her leg two days ago. He did not have the strength to watch it happen. When it was finished, he returned and waited for her to wake so that his would be the first face she saw when she opened her eyes.

It never happened, and now Grant was scared sick that she would never wake again and he would never see those amazing blue eyes. Olson let out another grunt and he looked to see the man's eyes closed and he was nodding. He opened them and looked to the group.

'She be with the Mother.' He said and Grant's eyes widened.

'What does that mean?' He demanded a little panicked. When people said that, they normally were speaking of someone who had died. Zdana was pale, but breathing and he could feel a strong pulse in her hand.

'Don't be know'n.' Olson sighed. 'I just be knowing this be the Mother's do'n. All we can do is be wait'n till she be done with our Zdana.'

'Has this happened before?' Panta asked.

'Aye.' Haron told them sitting down. 'Deep walkers be called by the Mother some times. When the stone can't be tell'n the tale, or be give'n a clear answer, the Mother be tell'n them direct.'

'How long until she wakes?' Grant asked looking to his mate worried. She looked completely at peace and in no pain at all. A wave of heat was rising off of her reminding him of the heat that poured out of the new cave as Zdana dug and healed herself.

'No way to be telling.' Zava said looking just as worried as he felt. 'Mother's time and ours be different. All depends what she be tell'n Zdana.'

'No use to be sit'n here worry'n.' Haron soothed pulling at Grant. 'Come boy. You just be make'n yourself sick. Come. We be distract'n you.' Leaving his mate's side seemed like a horrible idea. The others agreed, and pressed him to go work it off. Olson promised to send for him if she showed any signs of waking.

The walk to the forge was made in silence. Grady was there holding a shield and club. Grant frowned confused until he remembered tomorrow was his fight with Solivis.

'Just let Solivis have it.' Grant sighed 'I no longer care about the games.'

'You be fighting.' Haron said annoyed and gave him a good push toward Grady. 'Zdana not be want'n you to be give'n up. When she be wake'n, she be want'n to see that medal around your neck.' Grady nodded his agreement.

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