Chapter Thirty Eight - Grant

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'Boy, you be look'n dead on your feet.' Grady chuckled as Grant sat beside him at the fire. The people of Gateway had set up a massive tent city beside where they would dig out. They wanted to be close when the dome opened. 'Where be Zdana?'

'She went down to the vault to get some shooting in one last time before we went up.' He replied accepting a cup of hot tea. 'I don't know how the woman dose it. My arms feel like lead.' Grant frowned to Grady. 'You make leather?' Grady nodded

'Aye.' He replied taking a puff of his pipe. 'It be my father's trade when he be sent down to the Fens. He taught me. I was never allowed to be make'n armor. Not till we be come'n here.' He winked at Grant 'Well not in the open anyhow. I be make'n Deeps armor for years. They be need'n something to be protecting them from the giant rats. Them things can be chew'n through hard rock. Got to be protect'n the hunters somehow.' Grant nodded his agreement.

'Zdana and I made sure no one would forget what happened to our people in the mines.' He told the group around the fire. 'None of your stories will be forgotten. Not by the Capital people. Not by our children or their children.'

'It be true then?' Blake asked cocking his head. 'You be plan'n to be tak'n that press you be find'n up? Go'n to be make'n books?'

'Aye.' Grant assured him. 'Once we have found a place to live and our new homes are built, we plan to set up the printing press and copying everything in the terminal we are taking up into books. All of our children will be educated, and given the chance to learn trades we were not allowed to lean in the mines.'

'My little one wants to be a doctor like Panta.' Norra said not looking at him. 'Can she learn?'

'Aye.' Grant assured her. 'How old is she now?'

'Just hit her tenth name day.' Norra told him. 'She can't be read'n yet. But she be lean'n at the school the council be set'n up.'

'Every tradesman is accepting two to three apprentices.' Stine said joining them at the fire. 'Go talk to Panta. When little Pettra reaches her fourteenth name day, she can take up an apprenticeship.'

'What about you Grant?' Grady asked. 'You go'n to be take'n an apprentice? Teach the little ones how to be forge'n tools?' Grant shook his head no.

'I am still an apprentice myself.' Grant chuckled. 'I will be teaching people how to read once we get established on the surface.' He motioned to the group. 'Adults who are interested in learning are all welcome to come.' Several nodded their agreement. He looked to Stine. 'Are the sleds all working?' The mayor nodded.

'Jeric and his team of engineers have been looking them over.' Stine said. 'They had to scrap three for parts, but the rest of the hover sleds are in fine working order. They will make bringing all of this stuff up much easier on everyone.'

'Aye seeing as it takes ten of us just to lift the hammering bar.' A man near the edge chucked before taking a deep drink from his mug. Grant nodded his agreement. He had been one of the volunteers to put the massive bar into place. It was much heavier than he thought it would be.

'The soul stone as well.' Stine agreed. 'I do not know how Orick had been able to carry that thing as far as he did. We all knew he had been strong, but it took three of us to load it onto the first cart.' Stine sighed before standing. 'I need to get home and feed my children. Grant, come walk with me.' Downing the last of his tea, he stood and joined the Mayor. 'I went into Gateway's control room this morning.' The mayor said frowning when they were out of earshot. 'It is shut down. Does that mean the dome will open soon?'

'It has not been functioning since Mother let Zdana know she was running the machine.' Grant explained. 'We have been talking about it a lot at night. There is a very good chance that the dome will open in the next forty-eight hours.' Stine nodded.

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