Chapter Two

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Sam pulled up outside the school ten minutes later and I got into the car. I lived only fifteen minutes away by car and after the first five minutes of silence I knew Sam was wanting to say something but was holding back. We'd been friends since the start of High School, and we'd somehow made it to senior year as best friends despite our ups and downs. After all these years, I knew by now that Sam didn't refrain from saying a lot of things, so it's was pretty obvious when something was bothering him.

"Spit it out," I said. Sam gave me an apologetic look before clearing his throat.

"What went wrong with you and Kelly man? She seemed like the best girlfriend you've ever had and you actually seemed happy."

"I honestly don't know," I said, giving him the same answer as I had given Dylan. "I just couldn't seem to develop feelings that were more than friendship, and that wasn't fair on her."

Sam nodded, understanding where I was coming from. He'd had the same issue with a past relationship. "How was the sex?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. It wasn't bad or anything, just kind of boring. Sex was sex. That's the only way I can describe it."

"Well, there will be plenty more girls to try and capture your heart" he said, smirking.

"One can only pray" I replied, "and lets also pray that I don't cross paths with any more psychos." I'd had plenty of questionable ex girlfriends.

We pulled up in front of my house, I said goodbye after promising I'd be at his party on Friday night and that I'd try to invite more people.

I walked up the driveway, surprised to see that my dad was home this early, and went inside. I dumped my school bag at the front door and made my way down the hall to the kitchen where my mum was just dishing out dinner and my dad was leaning on the counter. He had loosened off his tie and removed his suit jacked, but apart from that was still in his work clothes. He gave me a nod when I entered the kitchen. Nice to see you too dad.

"Hey, honey. Dinner is just about ready," said mum, as she finished putting the last of the chicken out on the plate. She has cooked a full meal, the table was even set.

"What's the big occasion?" I asked, eyeing up the table.

"Well," she started, placing mine and dads plate on the table before retrieving her own. We all sat down. "Since your father finished work early, I thought we could all have a nice family meal for a change."

"Well, where's Luke?" If we're going to have a 'family meal' you'd think the whole family would have to be here.

"He'd already made plans to eat at Nathan's," was her reply before we all began to eat. Okay then, family meal without the whole family it is then. I ate as quickly as I could, but before I could leave the table dad spoke.

"So Alec, how are you and that girlfriend doing?" Shit.

"Eh... well we broke up today." At the look on mum's face I quickly added, "things just weren't working out."

Dad just nodded before carrying on. "And how's football going?"

"Football's great, coming up to the end of the school year and we're doing well."

"Good good."

No, how are you? How are you feeling?

When I realised that was the end of the conversation, I quickly washed my plate, grabbed my school bag and went upstairs to my room after letting my parents know I was having an early night. I quickly stripped of my clothing down to my boxers and put my iPod in, and lay on top of the covers.

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