Chapter Eight

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Dylan pulled up outside my house at seven, and after telling my parents that I was going out and that I’d be back whenever, I joined him in his car and we made our way to Mitch’s house.

I’d chosen to wear navy blue knee length swim shorts paired with a white t shirt, going for the casual look. Dylan, however, decided otherwise.

“Nice shorts,” I commented, which in return received a grin from Dylan.

His shorts were the same style as mine and he’d also opted for a white t shirt. But his shorts were pink. Neon pink. Surprisingly, they seemed oddly appropriate for Dylan. His hair- still in desperate need of a re-dye – was its usual messy style, falling across his face and nearly in his eyes. Every so often he would run his hand through it, brushing back from his face only to have it fall back again. He could do with a haircut too.

Geez Alec, I doubt he cares whether or not you think he needs a haircut. You’re not his girlfriend.

The drive to Mitch’s place took about fifteen minutes, and when we turned onto his street I looked at Dylan who just gave me a shrug and smirked.

A small get together this was not. Mitch’s place wasn’t as big a Sam’s, but that clearly didn’t mean that Mitch couldn’t throw a party as big as Sam’s. Dylan parked his car on the street and we both got out and walk up to Mitch’s house.

The party was in full swing. Dylan led the way round to the back of the house, receiving hi-fives and slaps on the back from people as we past, people I had never seen before. Round the back of the house was the pool. People were sitting on the edge of the pool and at tables situated around it and some people were already in the pool.

Girls were walking around in bikini’s, guys were walking round in their shorts, and I could see why Dylan gave me the heads up about being in the pool whether or not you wanted to be. We saw a guy being rugby tackled by two of his friends into the pool, still fully clothed.

We pushed our way past semi naked bodies and went inside through the sliding door that leads to the kitchen. Inside the house the walls were vibrating; the music was that loud. Dylan grabbed us both a bottle of beer off the counter, popped the caps and handed me one. I took a swing before following him through to the hall which led to the living room.

The living room was a gathering of sweaty bodies grinding to Beyonce’s ‘Drunk In Love’. In the far corner of the room, sitting on the couch which had been pushed to the side was our friends.

Sally was sat on Mitch’s lap, laughing with Sam and Matt who had Elle on his lap. Sally moved as Mitch got up to greet us.

“Hey guys, how’s it going?” He gave swung an arm around each of our necks, guiding us to the couch.

“Not bad man, nice little get to together you have going on here,” commented Dylan. Mitch just grinned and dropped back down onto the couch, pulling Sally back down onto his lap.

“Nice shorts man,” called Matt, clinking bottles with Dylan.

“Where’s Cam?” I asked. Sam just nodded to the dance floor. Dylan and I turned and saw Cam dancing with some Goth girl, and let’s just say they were getting really into it.

I wolf whistled at Cam, who somehow heard me over the music and responded by giving me the finger. We all laughed.


Throughout the night we all did our own thing, dancing and drinking. I was out by the pool, taking to some guy I’d never met before about the economy or some pointless shit when my attention was drawn to someone climbing out the pool. Someone with neon pink shorts.

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