Chapter Thirty-Six

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The following two weeks pasted by and there were no sightings of Jayme, I’d managed to avoid my dad whenever he came home so I hadn’t beat the shit out of him yet, and Dylan and I were more than good. The Saturday after our second week back at school mum invited Jane, Sophie and Dylan around for dinner. Thankfully Dylan had told his mum and Sophie that my mum was unaware of my relationship with Dylan so they weren’t going to mention it. Although I was doubtful about whether Sophie would keep her mouth shut, Dylan reassured me that although she may only be six, she knew what ‘don’t mention I’m Alec’s boyfriend and I’ll take you to the zoo’ fully implied and she would cooperate.

Dad was, unsurprisingly, absent for this meal and for once mum didn’t seem too bothered.

I answered the door at seven o’clock and my legs were instantly encaged by Sophie’s arms. I gave Jane a kiss on the check and showed her where the kitchen was, and she raced after Sophie who was really excited to see my mum. I gave Dylan a friendly hug to which he then proceeded to grope my ass.

“Mum’s in the kitchen by the way, so unless you’re planning on telling her I would refrain from doing that.”

“Hey Luke,” said Dylan as my brother made his way down the stairs. I punched Dylan’s arm and followed Luke into the kitchen, which just gave Dylan the perfect opportunity to slap my ass.

“Dude I am going to maim you,” I whispered over my shoulder.

“I’ll look forward to it,” he whispered back.

“Mum, this is Jane and Sophie, and you already know Dylan. Guys, this is my brother Luke.”

My mum quickly dried her hands and greeted Jane with a hug. “It’s so nice to finely meet you.”

“Likewise,” replied Jane.

“Hello Mrs Brooke.”

“Ah, you must be Sophie! Please, call me Karen. Do you want some juice?”

Sophie nodded and followed my mum to the fridge after she said hello to Dylan.

We all sat down and had dinner. Mum had made stake pie which was really good. Mum and Jane talked about mum stuff and Sophie constantly questioned Luke, which he didn’t appear to mind, and I kept glaring at Dylan every time he tried to play footsie under the table.

After dinner Jane helped mum with the dished and Luke happily went outside and played with Sophie on the trampoline despite the cold, and I headed upstairs with Dylan.

As soon as I closed my bedroom door Dylan pinned me against it and kissed me. I let my hands grab his ass a while his fingers tangled in my hair. He pulled away a few minutes later, gasping for breath.

“I’ve been wanting to do that all night.”

“Really? I never would have guessed.”

“Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit.”

“Says the guy who is fluent in it.”

Dylan smiled and gave me a soft, slow kiss before collapsing onto my bed.

“Just make yourself at home then,” I said as I made my way over to my mirror and tried to fix my hair.

“I will,” he replied.

When my hair was looking slightly less obvious as to what had just happened I decided to jump on Dylan who was pretending to be asleep.

“Am I boring you?”

“You’re crushing my lungs, that’s what you are doing.”

I rolled off of him and lay next to him, taking his hand in mine.

“Your mum seems okay,” said Dylan.

“Yeah, she does.”

“Have you spoke to your dad yet?”
“Nope, but next weekend his work is having this charity dinner thing that we’re all going to. I guess mum is secretly hoping that things will be okay. I wish she’d just ditch him though.”

“I guess it’s hard when she’s still in love with him, even though he mustn’t be with her.”

“I guess.”


“COMING,” yelled back Dylan.

He rolled over and straddled me before grabbing my hands and pinning them above my head.

“Gotta dash.”

“Talk to you later?”

“Anytime,” he replied before leaning down and kissing me. It wasn’t just a quick goodbye kiss, oh no, this was a I-wish-I-could-stay-but-I-can’t-so-I’m-going-to-leave-you-wanting-more kiss.


He bit my lip then released it before smiling.

“See ya!”

“I hate you sometimes.”

“I hate you too, babe!”

I’ll admit, this boy is seriously growing on me.


“Thanks for dinner mum,” I said as I entered the kitchen.

“No problem honey. I really like Dylan’s mum, she’s lovely.”

“Yeah she is.”
“You let them know that they are welcome anytime.”

“Will do,” I replied, sitting down. “Mum, I’m just wondering, but why are we even going to dad’s work charity dinner?”

My mum took a moment before replying. “Because, despite everything, your father denies that he has been having an affair. I don’t believe him for one second, but if I let him think that I do believe him I’m hoping he might let his guard down. I know it’s with someone at his work, so I want to see if she’ll be there and if I’ll be able to spot her.”

“So basically, you want to trick him into thinking he’s in the all clear and go spy on him.”

She looked at me and shrugged her shoulders. “Basically.”

“Mum, you’re pretty awesome. And I’m sorry the guy you married turned out to be an ass hole.”

“Thank you honey, and I’m sorry that you father turned out to be an ass hole too.”

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