Chapter Twenty-One

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I swear to God Sally knew. I on the verge of an anxiety attack. I was sweating like a weight-watcher in a sweet shop, like a paedophile in a playground, like a-

“Have a good day?” asked Sally, coming up behind me while I was getting a beer out of the fridge.

“Shit! Sally, you scared the life out of me!”

“Sorry,” she said. “So, what did you get up to?”

After I escaped my shared shower with Dylan that was verging on more than a make-out session, we hung out on the couch playing the Xbox until everyone arrived home fifteen minutes later. Dylan ‘joked’ about watching out for detective Sally and ever since then I have been shitting my pants. I could feel her eyes on me the whole way through dinner.

“Not much,” I replied, trying to sound as casual as possible. “Went for a walk with Dylan around the lake then we hung out and played the Xbox.”

“Sounds fun.”

“Yeah, it was.”

I turned around and tried to sidestep Sally, but she stepped in my way. When I tried to go the other way she stepped in front of me again.

“What?” I exclaimed.

She just stood there, staring at me. I looked over her shoulder to see Dylan and Mitch watching me. Mitch asked something, and Dylan just shook his head laughing. I looked back at Sally, and I could feel my face getting red. She looked behind her and saw who I was looking at. She turned around fast, her eyebrows raised and hands over her mouth.


I grabbed her and dragged her out the back door.



“Could you be any louder?”

“Sorry,” she stage whispered. “So, what did you do? Cause I know you did something. Your poker face is awful.”

“I know it’s awful. And what we did is none of your business.”

"Did you have sex?"

"NO! Sally, for God sake-"

“So are you together?”

I looked over at Dylan and he gave me a soft smile. I shrugged my shoulders. “I guess so.”

Sally squealed and started dancing around in a little circle. I stood there, watching her, then decided that I’d just leave her to it. I went back inside, picked my beer back up off of the counter, and went and joined Dylan and Mitch on the couch.

“Where’s Sally?” asked Mitch once I had sat down.

“Dancing around outside like a weirdo.”


I just shrugged my shoulders again. “Beats me.”

Over Mitch’s shoulder I could see Dylan trying not to laugh. Asshole.

Mitch got up to go get Sally and I was left on the couch next to Dylan. The others were playing a game of cards and Cam was on the phone to his mum; I swear that woman still treated him like an eight year old.

“Why am I the one to get interrogated by detective Sally?” I asked Dylan quietly.

“Because you have an awful poker face,” stated Dylan. I sighed and took a swing of my beer.

Sally came inside along with Mitch and she walked over to us, leaving Mitch to get another beer. She was smiling like a creep and Dylan nearly choked on his beer.  She sat down on my knee and wrapped her hands around my neck.

“You need to tell Mitch so we can double date,” Sally whispered to Dylan. We both groaned.

“You better not be trying to steal my girlfriend Brooke,” called Mitch as he came back into the living room along with Cam.

“She’s too crazy for me,” I said.

“You got that right,” said Mitch as Sally got up and sat on his knee instead.

I looked a Dylan, who gave me a look in return. Sally definitely was crazy.

“How’s about a movie night?” suggested Matt.

“Chick-flick!” screamed Cam in a high-pitch girly voice who was then hit in the face with a pillow by Elle. We all agreed and proceeded to watch Savages.

“Blake Lively can sit on my face,” muttered Mitch.

“Dude, your girlfriend is right next to you,” stated Sam.

“Doesn’t bother me,” said Sally, “I’d let her sit on my face too.”

Dylan chuckled next to me and leaned back further into the couch so he was leaning on me. If you asked me what the film was about, I probably couldn’t tell you; I was too busy looking at Dylan. I never thought I could feel so content with just being in someone else’s company. This afternoon was an experience that I’ll never forget, and I could feel my face flame at the thought of it. I trusted him, and needed him. I’ve never felt like I needed someone before, and the best part was that I felt like he needed me too.

The film finished and we all just sat around and talked. I loved my friends. They were my chosen family, the people I wanted in my life and I wouldn’t change anything about our group. Yeah we bicker and annoy each other, and occasionally punch each other in the face, but we fit together and have each other’s backs, and in the end that’s all that matters.

“What’s the plan for tomorrow?” I asked, trying to hold back a yawn. It was eleven o’clock.

“All go out for lunch since it’s the last day?” suggested Matt.

Sam nodded. “I think we need a day out together and just use up whatever is in the fridge for dinner?”

We all agreed and headed to bed. Of course, Sally couldn’t resist wiggling her eyebrows suggestively as she passed us on the way to her room.

“Definitely locking the door tonight,” muttered Dylan as he closed the door after flipping Sally off.

I chuckled and stripped down to my boxers before brushing my teeth. I left the door open and Dylan joined me at the sink and proceeded to brush his teeth as well.

I climbed into bed and stared at the ceiling, waiting for Dylan to join me. He eventually did, but decided to jump and land on me like a sack of potatoes.

“Dude! Get off!”

“I’m comfy.”

“Well I now have a few cracked ribs.” I rolled over and shoved him off. For such a skinny guy, he weighs a lot.

He flopped down onto his stomach and draped his arm over my chest. He buried his face into his pillow and groaned. I just stared at him and started poking his arm.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing’s wrong, I’m just so tired. And I can’t believe tomorrow is the last day.”

“I know,” I said quietly, trailing my fingers up and down Dylan’s arm. “At least we have another week till school starts again though.”

“True,” he said as he turned his head to look at me. He smiled before yawning.

“Go to sleep, Aurora,” I teased as I climbed out of bed and went and turned the light off.

“How do you know Sleeping Beauty’s name?”

“How do you?” I replied as I climbed back into bed and draped Dylan’s arm back over my chest.

“I have a six year old sister. What’s your excuse?”

“Eh... my parents forced me to watch them as a kid?” I supplied.


“Fine. I like Disney films, so I decided to watch them all.”

Dylan just chuckled and leaned over and gave me a soft kiss on the lips, making my stomach flutter. “Very well Prince Charming, goodnight.”

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