Chapter Five

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I woke with one of the worst headaches I’ve had in a long time. I felt like shit and I was starving. Luckily I didn’t throw up what little food I had in my stomach last night. I groaned and got out of bed and made my way to the bathroom, turning on the shower. I quickly did my business, brushed my teeth, and then immersed myself under the hot water. Last night was still a blur. I vaguely remember my conversation with Kelly, my walk in the forest-

Shit. Holy fuck. Dylan. I froze under the water, and even went as far as to curse out loud. I kissed Dylan. What the fuck is wrong with you Alec?  I leaned my head against the cool tiles. The worst part is I don’t remember it being bad.

“You don’t want this.”

Dylan’s words from last night popped into my head. He was right, I didn’t want that.  You’re using the past tense, Alec.  I sighed and turned off the water, wrapped a towel around my waist and made my way back into my room. I lay back on my bed, not bothering to dry myself, letting the covers stick to my wet body. I needed to talk to Dylan. I picked up my phone and gave him a text.

Are you free today sometime?

He replied a few minutes later, which surprised me since I knew he was working.

I finish at 3, want to meet me at Jenny’s?

Did I want to meet Dylan? Would things be awkward? They’re probably less likely to be awkward in a public place I guess. Get over yourself, Alec. He’s still your friend.


I replied.

Okay, see you later.

I let out a sigh before peeling myself from my bed sheets. I quickly got dressed, pulling on a pair of denim shorts and a navy blue t shirt. I had slept in till eleven, and it was now coming up to twelve. Three hours to kill. My stomach chose that moment to rumble. I made my way down stairs, passing Luke’s room with music blaring at a defining volume, and went to the kitchen to make up some brunch. Mum was the only one in the kitchen, washing the leftover dishes from breakfast. She gave me a small smile before turning back to the sink.

Good morning Alec.

I picked up a packet of crisps, an apple, a cereal bar, a mars bar and a bottle of OJ from the fridge. So sue me, I’m in a hungry-for-junk-food kind of mood.  As I was just about at the kitchen door my mum called out to me.

“Alec, I’m heading to the supermarket at two thirty.”

“Okay,” I replied. “Where’s dad?”

“He had to make his way into the office today, something about a new case; he won’t be back till dinner.” My dad is a lawyer and, as you might expect, work is his number one priority.

“Okay.” No surprise there. I took my munch upstairs and dumped it all on my bed. I put my headphones on, sat in the middle of my bed and pressed play on my iPod.  I opened my packet of crisps and let the voice of Dave Grohl from the Foo Fighters fill my head as ‘Everlong’ began to play.


At half past two my mum popped her head in the door to let me know she was leaving for the store and shook her head at the sight before her. I was lying in the middle of my bed, staring at the ceiling, covered in empty wrappers and crumbs like the cliché of a broken-hearted teenage girl. I binned all the wrappers and brushed the crumbs of myself and the bed. I headed towards Luke’s room, knocking before opening the door.

The sight before me was one I had become accustomed to; Luke sitting at his computer playing some kind of game, the curtains shut and music blaring. He hadn’t even bothered to get dressed, and was wearing shorts and an old t shirt.

“Luke!” I yelled over the music.

He swivelled round on the computer chair, using the remote to pause the music.


“I’m heading out, okay?”

“Yeah, whatever,” he replied before turning around and resuming play. I guess that’s the end of that conversation.

Luckily it was a nice day out so I walked to Jenny’s as it was only twenty minutes from my house by foot.  I arrived just before half past and Dylan caught my eye as I entered through the door, and signalled that he would be one minute. I sat down at a table near the front window and waited. Jenny’s Coffee Shop was a small place, with fifteen or so tables and the one counter at the back of the shop.  Right now the place was half full, mainly old people and mums having the daily gossip.

I shifted in my seat as Dylan weaved his way through the crowed carrying two take-away cups. He sat down across from me and slid one towards me.

“Hope you like coffee,” he said, giving me a big smile before he took a sip of his own. Alec, speak!

“Uh... yeah. I do, thanks,” I replied.

Dylan set down his and leaned back in his chair, that laid-back grin plastered on his face. “How are you feeling?”

There’s that bloody question again. I know that this time he was asking in a joking, teasing way, but every time I end up unable to just shrug it off or say fine. I’d always have to tell him the truth.

“To be honest,” I started. “I feel like shit. But firstly I want to say sorry, I had no idea what I was doing-“

Dylan held up a hand to cut me off and sat forward in his chair, looking right at me. “You don’t need to apologise. I get it. You were drunk and confused, so I don’t... I can’t hold it against you. If anything I owe you an apology for kissing you back.” He said the last part quietly, even though there was no one around to hear. “I asked you to come here in the hopes that we can just agree to put it behind us?”

He felt the need to apologise? Of all the things I was expecting him to say, it wasn’t that. I also didn’t expect him to be okay with it, or still want to be friends with me. You’re such a drama queen Alec.

“Absolutely,” I replied.

Dylan beamed. “Great! Well I’ve got to head home to look after my sister, but I’ll see you at school tomorrow?”

I stood up along with Dylan, grabbing my coffee and following him to the door. “Of course,” was all I could say as he turned towards me once we were outside Jenny’s. Dylan just stood there, looking at me while I busied myself by taking another sip of my coffee. He shook his head and gave me a bro hug before heading down the street.  As I turned in the opposite direction, I heard him call out to me.

“Hey Alec! I’m glad we sorted things out!”

I nodded my head and held up my coffee cup. “Thanks for the coffee!”  He held up his in response before he turned the corner at the end of the street.

I slowly began walking again, and could feel a smile spreading onto my face. I don’t know why I was so worried. Dylan’s a pretty laid-back guy, of course he understood why I kissed him, and of course it didn’t mean anything to either of us. The smile faded from my face.

Then why do you feel rejected, Alec?

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