Chapter Seven

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My weekend was somewhat uneventful. I hardly saw my parents, I did homework, and then I lounged around in my room listening to music and watching Netflix.

 I also texted Dylan. I was starting to feel like a teenage girl, smiling at my phone like an idiot as I read the texts he sent me and pacing around my room eagerly waiting for him to reply. We texted about nothing in particular, but it seemed as though last Friday didn’t happen. Except it did. And I couldn’t stop thinking about it.

I knew I wasn’t gay. I know I’m not gay, but I couldn’t forget the way my lips had touched Dylan’s, the way I shivered when my tongue stroked his and found his piercing, the way his hands pulled on  my hair, his breath on my face...

I didn’t know what to do. I was happy with my friendship with Dylan and so relieved that I didn’t ruin it by kissing him. You need to laid. Yeah, like that would work. Unless it was by Dylan...

I tried to shut down thoughts like that, and it began to work. The next week of school flew by. I got evil, ice cold glares from Kelly and her disciples which I happily ignored; I went to football practice and didn’t punch Cam in the face despite the amount of times I wanted to; and everyone was buzzing for October break.

 It was three weeks away, and we were all trying to plan something for the two weeks we had off. Dylan, Mitch and Sally were all for joining us, Dylan just had to make sure his mum would be okay with finding someone to look after Sophie.

It was Friday after school when Mitch announced that he was having a small get together at his on Saturday and that we were all invited and gave us his address. I saw Dylan watching me from the corner of my eye, and when I turned to face him he turned away, a small smile on his face.

“What?” I asked as I walked over to him. He had on his signature skinny jean, this time with a long sleeved v neck white t shirt... cue the drool.

“Just remembering the last time Mitch had a ‘small get together’.”

We both leaned on the back of Dylan car. It had been raining this morning and the smell of damp filled the air... along with the smell of Dylan’s aftershave. Snap out of it, Alec!

“What happened?”

Dylan was watching Mitch and Cam bicker about something, not an unusual sight. He took a minute before replying.

“Well, first of all Mitch doesn’t know the meaning of the word ‘small’. So it really wasn’t a surprise that the police showed up due to noise complaints, but what they weren’t expecting was a bunch of teenagers jumping off the roof of Mitch’s house into his pool filled with hot chocolate.”

“Wow,” was all I could say. Dylan laughed and shoulder bumped my, sending sparks up my arm.

“What was more surprising was that someone went out and bought shit loads of marshmallow and whipped cream and covered the pool in that too. It was like a lake of hot chocolate. Mixed with chlorine, that is.”

“Like the scene out of ‘Shark Boy and Lava Girl’?” My comment make Dylan burst out laughing, and I soon joined him.

“Exactly like ‘Shark Boy and Lava Girl’.”

Dylan and I fell into a comfortable silence, his shoulder barely touching mine but it was enough to make my nerves tingle.

“Do you want me to pick you up tomorrow?” Dylan asked, watching the rest of our friends.


“I’d wear swimming shorts or something to change into. You’ll probably end up in the pool weather you want to or not,” Dylan chuckled.

Dylan in swim shorts. Dylan in swim shorts. “Uh- yeah. Thanks,” I stuttered.

Sam was calling me over, ready to go home.

“I’ll pick you up at seven?”

“Yeah, that’s great,” I replied, giving him a gentle slap on the back before standing, making sure my hand didn’t linger. I said goodbye to everyone, promising to see them tomorrow. I got into Sam’s car and gave Dylan one last wave, which he returned, watching us drive away.

Get a hold of yourself Alec.

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