Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Dylan's P.O.V

"Dude, please keep the PDA to a minimum while you are in my room," I told Mitch as I walked back into my room to see him and Sally making out on my bed.

Mitch returned his tongue to his own mouth and Sally got comfortable on my bed, tucked under Mitch's arm and began to sip her drink.

"Just cause you're not getting any action, man."

That was a very casual, very normal thing for Mitch to say. Sally spitting her drink across my room and choking, however, was not natural.

"I'm okay," she wheezed as Mitch started slapping her on the back. She looked at me, eyes bulging out of her sockets and wiggling her eyebrows, and stood up.

"Well, I, ugh, I'm going to get another drink since mine is now all over your carpet Dylan... so eh... you guys talk."

Sally, you are the least subtlest person ever to be placed on planet earth. She squeezed my shoulder on her way out and I got up and went to sit on the bed next to Mitch.

Sally had phoned me this morning to inform me that she and Mitch were coming, and not so subtly hinted that it would be the perfect time to tell him about me and Alec. I guess now was that time.

"So..." I started, staring at the wall across the room.

"So...?" questioned Mitch, turning to face me.

I sighed and sat up straight and faced him too.

The one thing you have to understand is that my reasons for telling Mitch are far different for Alec's reasons for not telling his friends. Mitch didn't have any problem whatsoever with me being gay and wanting to date guys. What Mitch had a problem with was -is- Jayme. Let's just say I really didn't handle the break up well, and Mitch was the one who went through it all with me and swore that he would never let me get like that again. So, Mitch being Mitch has basically a problem with any guy I date for the risk of that happening again.

"I'm dating someone," I said, watching his reaction. Unfortunately, Mitch had summoned his poker-face.

He nodded slowly. "Do I know them?"

"Yeah. It's Alec."

"As in straight Alec with the crazy horny ex girlfriends?"


He wiped his hands over his face and looked me straight in the eye.

"How sure are you about this? That this is going to work?"

"About 98%."

"Okay," he replied and held his hands out towards me. I gave him an are-you-serious look before putting my hands in his.

"Right, hear me out. If you are happy and are sure about this, then I'm happy for you. It's time you said fuck you to he-who-shall-not-be-named-"


"Fuck you. Anyway, it's time you moved on and I like Alec, he's a good guy. But I'll tell you now. If he even so much as makes you sad at any point I will smash his face in and send the ugly photo of his fucked up face to everyone on snapchat. Okay?"

I laughted and leaned over and gave him a hug.

"Okay, man. I get you."


We pulled apart and both flipped Sally off before she skipped across the room and landed on us both.

"So, does this mean we can double date?"

I looked at Mitch and we both groaned.

"Salls, what is your obsession with this double date shit?"

"Mitch, just shut the fuck up you ungrateful man-gina, you should thank God every night before you go to sleep that you have a date to participate in double dates with, you sexy excuse for a man. Okay?"

Both Mitch and I just stared at Sally as she stood back up and looked at us both.

"Sexy?" I asked.

"Man-gina?" questioned Mitch.

"Yes. And Yes."

"I love your crazy insults," said Mitch, pulling her towards him.

"Wait!" said Sally, pushing him away from her. "Double date?"

"Agreed," we both sighed. Sally did a little victory dance before launching herself on Mitch. He held her face and kissed her. And kissed her. And kissed-


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