Chapter 24

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Daytona's POV

"See me tomorrow?" I mumbled to myself. What could he have been talking about? Then it hit me, "Homecoming is tomorrow!"

"It is? Cool. You going with anyone?" Jordan responded even though I was talking to myself.

We pulled out into the street and I watched as buildings flew by. "Yeah, I'm going with Logan actually." He nodded his head and we drove the rest of the way home in silence.

When Jordan dropped me off, I quietly snuck into the house, making my footsteps quieter then a mouse.

I tiptoed through downstairs with the lights off, relying on my memory of the house to keep me from running into any furniture. But to no avail, I jammed my pinky toe into the edge of the couch. "Son of a–" I covered my mouth to keep me from waking everyone up.

Lights upstairs flickered to life and I held my breath preparing for the worse; the worse being it was my dad and he was in a bad mood.

"Daytona? Is that you?" Mason's groggy voice whispered through the dark from the top of the stairs.

"Yeah it's me." I continued on my way through the dark until I got to the stairs, taking them two at a time.

"Why are you home so late?" He rubbed sleep from his eyes.

I wrapped my arms around him and rested my head on his back, "I was out. That's all."

"Where?" His voice was just above a whisper and he talked with his eyes closed.

"Undergrounder." I whispered as I guided him back to his room.

He opened an eye and peeked at me, "Did someone go with you?"

"Yeah. Jordan and Logan were there with me." I opened his door and set him on his bed, "Get some sleep Mason."

I turned to leave but he grabbed my wrist. There wasn't much strength or force behind it, but I could tell he was trying as hard as his tired body could. "You know I love you Daytona. You were a wonderful sister to Cooper, and I don't want anything to happen to you."

A smile crept on my face but when I turned around to reply, he was already asleep, so I silently closed his bedroom door and walked the few steps to my room.

I set my phone on the charger and crashed onto my bed, not bothering to change out of my clothes, it only took a few moments before I succumbed to sleep.


Sunshine hit my eyes as they fluttered open and I rolled over to my other side, pulling up my covers to eliminate as much light as possible. I had just been in a dream where I had shoved an entire batch of cupcakes into Makayla's plastic face. Just thinking about it made me smile. But that smile quickly turned to a frown when my covers were ripped right off of me.

"Mason Sebastian Sealie! I swear to god give me my blankets back or I'll make you regret ever waking up this morning." Slowly the blankets returned on top of me, and with it, so did my smile.

"Geez, you're so grumpy in the morning. I just wanted to let you know, your mom left for work today and your dad went with. They'll be gone for five days and they left you in charge." He set something down on my nightstand and I reached out to pick it up.

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