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Your POV:

I felt my whole world tumble down as Jungkook dropped me off.

We didn't speak the entire way back and he didn't even look at me. Not that I blamed him.

By the time I pulled the covers up to my chin, I was trembling all over. I couldn't shake the fear off.

"Good night," he had said and driven off. Something distant in his voice. That was scaring me more than anything.

I knew sleep wouldn't come because I could hear my mind whirring and buzzing, even though everything was so eerily silent.

I didn't have the courage to search the internet or watch TV so I lied, wide eyed, waiting for the weight to bury me alive.

I woke up with a start.

I didn't know when I dozed off.

Or when I had cried so much my pillow practically soaked.

All I knew was that I wasn't going to work.

Mustering up my courage, I picked up my phone to search the internet for the news, not before checking if Jungkook left me any messages.


My heart sank. I don't even know why but I was a little hurt. Although I knew he was waist deep in crap already to have time to check up on me. This was worse for him than it was for me. Still...

"Jungkook seen dating an unknown girl"

The headline was enough to kill me.

"Last night, our sources got a blast when they saw Jungkook come out of the cinema with a girl, hand in hand.

"Both had face masks on but the girl is a non-celebrity. The world is in a rage about her identity as they both looked quite close.
Fans of BTS and especially Jungkook are outraged.

"BigHit entertainment is yet to respond to the news."

Oh no. It would take them no time to figure out who I was...

Suddenly my phone buzzed and I jumped. Ji-hye unnie.

"Hello?," I croaked.
"The car is outside. Come, now."

Her voice was clipped and I felt an impending doom. Turns out, I was going to work after all. Probably for the last time, though.

I walked inside the building I had grown to love but it looked so alien to me.

I walked over to the conference room and gulped when I saw everybody sitting with solemn faces.

But was winded when I saw Jungkook. His eyes were swollen...

All I wanted was to reach over and hug him, but I knew I couldn't.

As I made my way to the empty chair next to unnie, I was sure everybody was looking at me.

It was the first time I felt self conscious since I woke up...

...and realized I was in my BTS jammies.

Oh my God!!!!

My eyes went wide as suddenly everybody erupted in laughter. Without thinking, I went under the table, definitely weeping.

"Y/n, come out. It's okay. We understand what you're going through," unnie said.

Slowly, I came out from under the table and sniffed.

"I'm sure you must have seen the tabloids?," Bang PD-nim said.

I nodded feebly.

"I understand I'm fired. I'm sorry for causing harm to BTS. I'll pay any amount for the damages," I said even though my mind screamed how I was to compensate.

"Oh? I guess you haven't seen all the tabloids then," he said and scrolled across a tablet. Then handed it over to me.

"Many fans speculate it's the same girl who saved Jungkook from the anti-fan attack.

"The picture from before show a girl of a short stature and although her face wasn't seen clearly in any of the photos, she does strikingly resemble the mystery girl our golden maknae has taken a liking to.

"Maybe she swayed him by her heroic act? Moreover, if it is the same girl, it makes sense for them to have gotten closer as she is a staff member as our memory tells."

My breath was coming out in huffs as I put the tablet on the table.

I stole a glance at Jungkook whose eyes were glued to his hands in his lap.

Of course us fans are smart. What with all the fan theories, it was about time someone connected the dots and figured out my identity. We are ARMYs. It's what we do.

Would I have to leave the country?

Maybe I should just leave the world.

"Well, for starters, are you both involved?," he asked and there was a silence in the room.

I looked around and everybody was looking between me and Jungkook.

He still had his eyes fixed on an arbitrary point in his lap.

I was about to answer when he said, "No."

And I thought I heard him wrong.

He couldn't have said no, right?

"Jungkook, you can tell us. We'll work this through. The pictures are a strong evidence against your claim," RM said.

Jungkook exhaled and spoke in a low, calculated voice, "I just took her out as a way of thanking her for everything she has done for me. Nothing else."

My mouth hung open as I stared at his stone face as tears of disbelief pooled my eyes.

Jimin looked at me in pity and I bowed my head down.

"Yes, we aren't seeing each other," I choked out.

"Then we'll have a press conference tomorrow. You'll both be saying the exact same thing there," Bang PD-nim said.

I nodded and started to get up, thinking I was dismissed.

"Where are you going? I'm not done," he said.

I sat back down, feeling nothing at all. If they asked me to kill myself, I probably won't even think twice and comply.

"Y/n, as you know fans won't leave you alone as it is right now," he began.

He wants me to leave the country...

"We can't say you're just a staff member. So we'll announce that you're actually a trainee, waiting to debut soon."

And if I had thought my world was tumbling down last night, I didn't know better because now it was.

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