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Your POV:

I knew it was going to be a disaster when Bang PD-nim introduced the other members.

He wasn't lying about it.

Why wasn't he lying about it?

"First up, there's Jung Mina. She's the leader. And since they won't debut right away, we won't reveal their places in the group," Bang PD-nim said as a tall and lanky girl appeared, smiling.

She had the most alluring dark hair and full lips. Utterly beautiful. She walked right next to me, who had her mouth hanging open, smirked at me and then bowed to the audience.

"Kang Yuri."

A perky and cute girl appeared with blonde hair. Looking at her, I was reminded of summer, I didn't know why.

"Park Haeyeon."

She was tall too, with a full smile and kind eyes. I instantly felt dwarfed by her. But then again, who didn't I feel dwarfed by?

"Kim Minjoo."

My God, why are they all so pretty and tall? She had high cheekbones and pouty lips that even I wondered how kissable they looked. Mental facepalm. I'm on national TV and my inner hoe is taking over, nice going.

"And we're already done introducing our maknae, y/n," he said and I froze.

Minjoo nudged me and I bowed down awkwardly. All I wished was to never come back up again but dying wasn't an option.

We were then taken off stage while Bang PD-nim answered more of their questions.

"Ya," Mina said as soon as we were backstage.

I looked up at her, distracted by her informal speech.

"Did you shag Jungkook?"

My eyes popped out of their sockets.

"You did, didn't you, whore?," Minjoo said.

I have a feeling they don't like me... I gulped.

"Wow, so you all lied to us and the fans to save your skin when you seduced Jungkook into almost ruining his career? And now we are stuck with you who'll only hinder our own way to success because of your scandal," Yuri said. It stung. Was it true? Did I seduce Jungkook?

Yes I was to blame for the scandal but wasnt he as much to be blamed as I was?

"I didn't date him. I am his fan and his make up artist. Nothing more, nothing less."

"Yeah, that is why Jungkook slammed her in the face on National TV," Yuri snickered. "How embarrassing. Even the thought of being linked with a girl like you disgust him enough to say that." She laughed.

Mina opened her mouth to say something when BTS and PD-nim came. She glowered at me and whispered, "We have our eyes on you, bitch."

Wow, hearing someone else call me bitch really sounds bad huh.

"So I take it you all have gotten along by now?," Bang PD-nim said, smiling.

We all faked a smile back at him. Jeez, I must look creepy what with at 32 teeth showing.

"We'll officially debut with you in 3 months but until then, you'll have to go through vigorous training. Vocal, dancing, everything. Especially Y/N. Everyone else have been training for a while now. But you haven't had any. So, I think you should move into the dorms with the other girls. It'll help you bond as a group as well."

It was a lot to take in. I hadn't discussed it with my mom. My mom... what was she going through right now?

When I didn't answer, Bang PD-nim asked me to see him in his office.

Once alone, he said, "Y/n, I know it's a lot for you to process. But you see, I have to protect not only BTS, but you too. A common girl would be chewed like gum and thrown but if you became an idol, they can't point fingers at you. I know how everyone right now thinks you did BTS wrong but what matters is what we know.

"Do you know why I made you a part of an idol group? Do you think I came up with the idea after your little breaking news?"

I looked at him, dumbfounded. What was he talking about?

"Do you remember the first time I interviewed you?"

And then I remembered how he asked if there was anything else I was good at. I didn't think much of it then...

"I didn't mean it like that... but yeah, we are short on staff, for now so you can just assist Ji-hye."

He had said "for now". Why didn't I think about it then?

He chuckled when my eyes grew wide. "You do know the story of how I saw potential in RM right? I saw it in you too. And then came the day I stumbled upon your infamous video. I instantly realized you have the voice for it. I was waiting for the right time to approach you with the idea. I guess the time came."

I closed my eyes in embarrassment at the mention of the video.

"Which brings us to your training period. Since your vocals are pretty strong on their own, we don't need to work that hard on them. However, your dancing...," he scratched his head as mine bowed deeper in embarrassment and mortification.

"So, what do you say, y/n?"

I thought of Jungkook. How he blatantly said it was impossible for him to like me. Well yeah, I look ordinary. Compared to the other girls in my so called group, I look like a potato but hey, pretty or not, I am a human. And to be publicly humiliated even if I'm a nobody now, I have my pride. I have to show him his words can't break me. I'm more than just a fan. I'm an ARMY, true. But I'm a girl too. And if I'm to be punished, so is he. And if his fame can buy him his ticket to freedom, so can I.

I nodded slightly.

I know it isn't great but hey, I tried >.<

I promise the story will be good from here on.. I hope ahem.

And thanks for the wishes! I'm all better now ❤

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You're still not my bias: Jeon Jungkook x readerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora