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Your POV:

"You didn't exactly answer me," Jungkook said when we went backstage. "You'll take me back, right? You don't hate me, do you?"

He was bombarding me with questions and my already overcome with emotions self couldn't even structure a simple sentence.

"Way to go, bunny. After being all macho there, you're clinging now," RM said, patting Jungkook on the shoulder.

"I think we should let y/n and Jungkook sort this out," Jin said. "Alone."

"But- come on! Everybody is interested to know what y/n says to the open declaration of love by our Golden Maknae here," RM smirked at me and Jungkook.

We both looked away, embarrassed.

"Y/n, tomorrow after our live performance, Poison Ivy will go to Weekly Idol, you know that, right?," Hyeyeon suddenly said I nodded.

"So ducky isn't quitting?," Jungkook suddenly said with a big bunny smile that showed his teeth. My heart did a cartwheel.

"Yeah we set her mind real right," Mina said while glaring at me. Then smiled and said, "She won't bail on us now."

"You guys planning on spending the night here? Because I'm going to pass out on that couch now," Yoongi said and everybody burst out laughing.

As we got off in front of our dorms, someone grabbed my hand.

"Can't you give me a few minutes? Do you hate me this much now?," Jungkook said and I looked at my feet.

I turned and yelled to Mina, "I'll be inside in a minute!!," which made Jungkook jump.

I bit my lip to stop myself from laughing in his face.

"Care to go for a walk around this block?," he said once everyone had gone inside - which took a while because Hyeyeon and Yuri peeked from a slightly open door.

I rolled my eyes at them.

I guess he wanted privacy so he suggested we went for a stroll.

I nodded.

"Are you... still mad at me?," he asked, hesitant.

I couldn't answer. I wasn't exactly mad at him... but I wasn't completely fine, either. How do I put this for him?

He stopped in his tracks.

I stopped too.

"N-noona... do you.. hate me now?," he asked slowly, as if scared to complete the sentence.

This I was sure of: I didn't hate him.

No matter what, I still couldn't bring myself to hate him.

He looked at me and I shook my head.

He smiled so brightly that I couldn't help but blush. He still made my heart race. Damn you, treacherous heart!

He took two steps and he was standing too close, grinning down at me.

Reflexively I took a step away, suddenly too shy.

But he grabbed both my hands in his and peered into my eyes.

"Noona, I love you, I always will. No matter how hard I try... I can't take my heart back. I'm sorry about everything. I'll fix it, I will. Just take me back. You'll take me back, right?," he spoke in a soft voice.

You're still not my bias: Jeon Jungkook x readerKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat