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Your POV:

I grabbed at Jungkook, who was walking ahead of me, getting out of reach with every step.

I was running after him but still never quite getting close to covering the distance between us.

Instead, it felt the more I tried catching up, the farther he got out of reach.

But something in my chest pained enough to make my eyes water and brain cloud.

"JUNGKOOK!!," I called out at the top of my lungs...

He turned to look at me.

But I gasped.

"Y/n! Get up! Today is the day our video is out!," Mina's voice startled me and I jerked.

As I awoke, I realized it was just a dream.

"Yah... neo gwenchanha? (Are you okay?)"

She looked at me, concerned.

"Yeah, just a bad dream," I rasped. Crap, my voice.

I touched my throat and felt the chain around my neck. My hand traced the chain to the small pendant that dangled at its end.

Why am I still wearing this? It no longer means anything.

"It must be stress. I couldn't sleep a wink due to the pressure," she laughed nervously and I let go of the locket.

Yeah, that must be it. The pressure of debuting was definitely cracking me up.

"We're gonna be okay, right, unnie?," I asked, aware of the gaping horror that must be evident on my face.

She smiled and said, "I think so."

After it had been a while that the video was uploaded, we all gathered around Mina's laptop. Although no one had the courage to watch it. So we all sat, staring at the screen, nobody reaching to hit play.

"You know, we don't have all day... Y/n has to go to school and we all need to prepare for the debut performance," Minjoo said, breaking the silence.

"Yeah, the video was uploaded like yesterday. Does it make sense that we still haven't watched it?," Hyeyeon said and hit play.

Instantly, the air around us got tense as we all focused on the small rectangle.

But the air soon dissolved into a feeling of relief as everybody could tell that the video was shot perfectly.

Instead of showing us dancing, it was a video of us recording the song.

Even though I was blushing in embarrassment at knowing for a fact that the reason they didn't opt for a dance style video was probably me.

...or the fact that I had been unfit for the past couple of days, I could see why they chose to show us singing.

It was all black and white until we got to the chorus and as soon as we went, "Butterfly~" the video switched from colorless to colorful.

The feeling of purity was captured and one could see that we really could sing. Shooting this raw video showed that even as rookies, we had potential.

But everything aside, I couldn't get over the fact that I was in the video and I looked like crap next to the beautiful unnies.

Every time the camera took a shot of me, a part of me moaned in embarrassment.

You're still not my bias: Jeon Jungkook x readerWhere stories live. Discover now