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Your POV:

Seated in the van with BTS, I wondered why they are coming along. Is it to make sure I finally DO make it to the studio? Jeez, it was just a shower...

"Good luck, y/n," Taehyung said.


"What for..?"

They all turned around to look at me.

"You don't know?," Jin asked and I stared back at him.

Jin looked at RM and they had a moment of communicating through their eyes and then RM asked me, "we'll be observing you as you guys record the cover for butterfly." He softened the blow with, "but we have to record our songs as well so..."

Why am I never told stuff like this? I really don't feel like a part of this group... and we're already recording songs and whatnot. Oh, what have I gotten myself into?

My moment of panic was shattered with a ping of the cellphone.

Mrs. Jeon:

I don't know what to say to you... I guess I'll need a lil more time to get used to it all.

And I felt the uninvited guilt take over me as I saw Yoona's number saved as "Mrs. Jeon". Even more than the sting of loss I felt all over again after reading her text.

Sighing heavily, I contemplated my life choices: Where I did I go so wrong to have nothing working out for me? From Yoona to this group to... Jungkook.

I looked up to see him engrossed in something song he must be listening with his earphones.

"Are you okay, really?," Jhope asked me. "Is anyone bullying you?"

Yeah, try the entire world. And your precious maknae for starters.

"I'm fine. Just tired, I guess."

"Don't worry, y/n, we were in this phase too. Trust me, all this tiredness now pays off later. You'll be fine," Jimin smiled at me and I couldn't help smiling back.

"Ah y/n, we waited and waited for you but it was getting late so we came early," Mina talked to me in civil tone for once in her life, because BTS was right there, although she and I both knew they did not wait.

"I don't know why you'd do that when you know you can't record without no matter how early you arrive," I said, still feeling hurt. Why was I being this sensitive bout everything these days?

"Ooh, your maknae is like ours: fiery," Taehyung laughed and I visibly blanched at the comparison. Which I realized was not overlooked by Mina who smirked.

Once inside the recording room, we were each given our lines and for the first time being a hard core ARMY was about to pay off because I knew the reason my dear group members did not tell me about this was to see me lose face. Hah, the joke's on them. No one knows the lyrics better than me. Except maybe Bangtan. Maybe.

You're still not my bias: Jeon Jungkook x readerWhere stories live. Discover now