Chapter 2: Jenna Shouldn't Have Gone To Florida

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11pm rolls around and Josh wakes up. "Hm?" He looked around like he'd been asleep for 1,000 years. "Hey sleeping beauty," I said without looking up from my phone. "Sleep well?" Josh stretched. "I suppose so, how long was I out?" He asked. "About 6 hours." I said. "6 HOURS?!" He yelped. "That's what I said." I continued reading. "Help yourself to anything in the fridge."

Josh got up and ate a slice of cold pizza and then proceeded to chug our milk. "Thanks bro!" He said chugging away our only supply of milk. "Geez, the rate you're drinking that, I'd say you're the baby here." I said looking up from my phone for the first time in hours.

"Whoa, you're not still reading that, are you, Tyler?" Josh said with concern, lowering the milk jug from his lips. "Uh." I said guilty as I squinted. "How long have you been reading?" Josh asked.

I counted on my fingers. "1....2...." I stared for a second. "6 hours." I managed to say before josh screamed. "6 HOURS. THE ENTIRE NIGHT?!"

"Yes...." I said, squinting at him. "Tyler, can you even see me?" He asked. "Uhm," I tried hard to focus. "Yes?" I could, but not very well.... "I don't believe, you... How many fingers am I holding up?" He questioned me. "Oh no... Uh-" I said but was immediately interrupted before I could answer. "SEE. TYLER. Dude! You can't look at a screen that long, you're going to damage your eyes... That's not going to be helpful for performing." He said highly concerned. 

"I'll be fine!" I argued. "No, get off your phone and go to bed." He demanded. "Fine. I guess you're right... Hey, it's late, you can stay the night on the couch if you'd like, I'm going to go to my room." I said as I got up. "Alright dude, thanks." He said as he slowly made his way to the couch and proceeded to crash.

I made it into my room. I brushed my teeth, put on my pajamas, and hoped into bed. It was about 12pm now and I was still wide awake. I had to know what else happened in the story so I turned over, grabbed my phone, and opened it back up. "Just a few more chapters won't hurt, right?" I lied to myself as I kept reading. 1am. I was at Chapter 500. I was almost at the end! Mind you, not all chapters were long. Some chapters only had about 100-300 words. That's why there were so many... There were 777 Chapters total.

I continued reading and reading and reading. I kept reading until I was on chapter 777. I was finally at the end! It was 4am by this time; however, as I was reading the last words of the chapter there was an authors note that read: "Tyler, if you are reading this, this is for your own good. You should really listen next time." I read it, sort of confused, but ignored it. I got immediately sleepy and just closed my eyes.

A bright light emitted from my phone and lit up the entire room, letting light from my room spill into the living room. Thank goodness Josh is a heavy sleeper. I was too tired to investigate, so I just continued to rest until I was fast asleep.

7am, my alarm started going off. I reached my arm over to slap it and hit the snooze button; however, when I swung towards it, nothing happened. I tried several times before realizing I was no where near the clock. I scooted closer to it, but it felt like no matter how much I scooted, it make almost no progress, which I found strange.

After a couple minutes of trying to get to the clock, I made it and hit the snooze button successfully. I rubbed my eyes and stretched. I opened my eyes ,expecting to see my tattooed arms stretching above my head in our vanity mirror that was across from Jenna and I's bed; however, that didn't happen. Instead, I saw chubby pale arms that reached only slightly above my head, with only enough length to reach out to someone else.

I panicked, was this a dream? I looked down at how far I was from the floor and skillfully, grabbed my blankets and slid down them, safely, to the floor. Once I reached the floor, I walked to my door, I couldn't reach it. I knocked. I kept knocking. Nothing.

A few minutes later I hear the fridge. Josh? I remembered he was out there, so maybe he was in my dream too. "Josh!" I squeaked. I kept knocking. "Open!" I said high-pitched. 

Josh came to the door and opened it, looked down at me, "Cute," then walked right back out. "WAIT. TYLER AND JENNA DON'T HAVE A KID, or do they? NO." He panicked and picked me up immediately. "Uh hi, kid? Where's your.... Anyone?" He said. I simply shrugged. I didn't know who he meant, but what does it matter in a dream, anyway?

Josh looked around for someone. "Tyler, Tyler, where are you?" He asked. "Me." I said in an adorably small voice, that shocked me to hear coming out. Josh looked at me. "No, Tyler, Tyler Joseph, my best fren." He corrected. "Me." I said again. Josh smiled and petted my head. "No, kid, cute though." He continued his search for the kid who was in his arms. 

Josh started to panic and get really concerned. "Tyler please, come out, I'm worried." He said, holding me gently. I realized how concerned he was, so I kept trying. What damage can it do for him to know? It's a dream, right? "Josh, me! I Tyler!" I exclaimed. Josh immediately stared at me. "Tyler?" He asked. I nodded.

"No, it can't be.." He panicked a little more. I nodded again. "TYLER THAT CAN'T BE YOU." He screamed. I covered my ears and nodded that it was me. I started thinking about how realistic everything was.... "T-tyler, if you're really you, complete this sentence.... THAT WAS SO-" "Sick!" I said raising my chubby hands in victory.

Josh panicked and threw me onto the couch, gently, he started breathing heavily. "No, no. No. No! NO! NO TYLER, NO!" He screamed in a panic. I was really confused why he was so worked up but I looked around and saw how clear everything was... I decided to do the one thing you shouldn't do if you want to continue to believe you're in a dream, pinch yourself. I pinched myself and squealed.

I realized that I wasn't dreaming. All at once, this wasn't fun or cool anymore. I started balling my eyes out with emotion.

Josh heard me start crying and his kid instinct kicked it. He immediately grabbed me up into his arms and held me, he was shaking as much as I was. "T-tyler, it's okay..." He petted my back gently.

I cried gently into his chest, clinging to him. He hugged me tighter and tried his hardest to comfort me.

What do we do now? I thought. 

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