Chatper 7: Ty, Are you there?

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Josh's P.O.V.

I know Tyler's been sick, but... I started getting worried, he wasn't acting like himself... He was quieter, more whiny, and needed my help a lot more... I started to think I don't know what to do anymore.

I heard a small groan from the bedroom, I went inside to check on him. "Tyler, are you alright?" I heard a very small voice say, "Milk." I obliged. I grabbed a cup from the kitchen and went in but was immediately stopped. "Bottle." I paused then went and got him a bottle.

Tyler hasn't asked for a bottle before... I went into the room and stood above the crib in which he'd laid all day. "Ty?" I asked "Ye?" I tiny voice spoke. "Tyler, why do you want a bottle?" I had to inquire. He shrugged, "Bottle..." He continued to whine, whilst reaching his stubby arms out for it. "Tyler, wait, no-" I tried to continue the conversation when he started bursting into tears. "Bottle, bottle!" His hoarse voice cracked and broke through his tears.

"Whoa, whoa! Hey, calm down! It's alright! You're okay, dude! Tyler, chill. Why in the world are you crying?!" I asked in a panic. He just kept crying, almost to the point of screaming. I gently grabbed him up from the crib and handed him his bottle, his frail arms could barely hold it. I sighed and fed him.

Tyler calmed down immediately. He's still sick... I still feel bad, but I'm hoping it's just the sickness that's making him so reliant on me... Honestly though, I'm terrified it's something more, I am scared that it's actually him reverting back to the mental age of a baby.

"Tyler, we need to talk," I said taking the empty bottle from his lips as he whined a tiny bit. "No, please, listen, we have to talk." I continued. "Otay.." He replied. "No, don't say that, use your big boy voice. You aren't a baby Tyler, you have to act like the adult that you are. Okay?" I tried to explain but it upset him, he started crying again. "Tyler! Stop it!" I yelled. He was just screaming at this point. "Tyler stop it or I'll get Jenna!" I tried to threaten that, but it didn't work. "Jenn!!!!!!!!!!!" He screamed sadly.

"Tyler! She's going to come home! You didn't want her to see you like this!" Why is he acting like this, I wondered. "I jus want jenn!" He cried. I hugged him to my chest. "Okay, calm down, calm down, it's okay." I tried to comfort him. "No! You yell at me!" He whined. "I'm sorry, I'm just scared, okay? I'm really scared. I know you are too..." I tried to reason with him. "I am scawed, but why are you scawed? He asked. "I'm scared that I'll lose my best friend, okay? You seem to be getting younger by the hour, more dependent and all and just... You're scaring me, don't leave me okay?" I blabbed out.

"O-okay," He said, cuddling into my chest. "Jish?" I heard him say, "Yeah Ty?" "Thanks for bein' my bes fren." He smiled. "Thanks for being my Best Fren too, Ty." I petted his head gently.

I went to the couch and sat with him, the rest of the night he was still taking his medicine, he was half-eating on his own, half-letting me do it. Both were understandable and he's actually trying to be a big boy, so it's cool.

Late at night, however, he had several more accidents. Between throwing up, and needing to use the bathroom more frequently and just freaking out in general, we had a rough night with him....

Tyler's P.O.V.

I don't know what to do, I'm losing myself, I can feel it, I don't know how to stop it! I think like an adult, but I just... I just can't seem to control myself....It sucks! I want to be an adult again, I want to go back to normal! I want to be with Jenna! I want to do stuff for myself again! I want to eat at Taco bell with Josh! This so sucks!

I just... I can't control myself any longer.. I just hope Jenna comes back before I lose myself completely....

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