Chapter 3: "Tyler Calm Down"

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Josh's P.O.V.

"Tyler. It's o-okay." I say holding him gently. Gosh, he's so small and fragile. I'm so big and clumsy, I really really hope I don't squish him. I already have to explain the whole 'Your husband has turned into a baby for some unknown reason' situation, so I don't need a second one.

I looked to Tyler sympathetically as he clung helplessly to my chest, tears pouring down his small pinkish face. My best friend was so freaking helpless and there was nothing I could do to calm him down, besides make a void attempt to ease his panic. 

"Tyler, buddy, I promise, it's okay, you're okay..." I say, rubbing his back gently. He kept sobbing, soft and sad little cries, gut wrenching, really.... I then pulled him away from my chest so I can talk more openly. 

"Ty, you got to calm down, please." I wiped the tears away from his face. "I don't know what happened, do you?" I asked. Tyler immediately screamed "NO," then proceeded to burst back into sorrowful cries. I hug him again and sigh "Tyler, it's okay, I don't know why you're like this... I know you're scared, I'm a little spooked myself.-"Which is ironic, because I'm Spooky Jim! "-But we're going to get through this, everything will be fine." I said gently as he looked up with me hopefully. "Josh?" He said to me desperately. "Yeah Ty?" I replied. "Man, I'm scared... I'm scared awful bad. What, what if I can't turn back?" He asked a little bit painfully. 

"I don't know, Tyler." As soon as that passed my lips, I realized I shouldn't have said that. Tyler slowly put his head back on my chest and just grasped my shirt as tightly as his little fists could. He was crying, it wasn't too audible; however, it was only able to be heard if you listened really closely. 

"Tyler, just because I don't know, doesn't mean there isn't a way to get you back to normal, alright? We just have to wait it out and play it by ear... Which I'd hope is something we'd be pretty good at by now, right?" I smiled at him gently. He looked at me slowly and then buried his head again, nodding. "Have hope, it'll be okay." I said reassuringly. 

Tyler's P.O.V.

I want to be normal, I want to be  29-year-old Tyler Robert Joseph, again. I want to be 5' 9", play the piano, make videos, sing songs, be on stage, be a good father to my future kids and be an even better husband to my wife- MY WIFE. "JENNA!" I screamed. Josh jumped back a little bit, startled by my sudden outburst.  "JENNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA." I wailed. "Do you want Jenna!?" He asked a little panicked. I did want her, but I didn't want her to see me like this... "I don't. I don't know!" I sobbed. Why in the world was I such a crybaby all of the sudden- oh yeah.

Josh's P.O.V.

Whoa, Tyler is having a huge meltdown..... I mean, I would too in his shoes, but he's absolutely going mental. I need to try to keep him calm for more than 30 seconds. "Tyler, I know you miss Jenna, let me call her and she can come here and help us." I said quietly. "No wait! She has that wedding she needs to attend, plus, I don't want her seeing me like this!" Tyler said back in a panicked tone. "I know you don't, but don't you want to see her?" I asked. "Of course I do, I want nothing more than for her gentle arms to hold me tight and make all my fears disappear... But I can't handle her seeing me like this, I- I can't risk losing her. She's the most precious thing I've been given..." He said genuinely. 

"I'm sure she would just want to be here for you, she really loves you, Ty." I tried to reassure him. "I'm scared Josh..." He closed his eyes and clung to me even more... He started playing with some loose thread on my shirt. "...I'm terrified." He whispered.

I went over to his couch and sat down with him, I placed him beside of me and hugged him for a second before I turned on the T.V. for us to watch. "Hey, it's okay, I'm here. Let's just watch some T.V., sound good Ty?" I said.

He was staring off into space. So I repeated myself. "Tyler, does that sound good?" He nodded still staring out the windows. "Tyler, what's up? I mean, aside from you being a baby, why are you quiet?" I inquired. "What if she leaves me, Josh?" He asked blankly. "What?" I asked in shock. "What if Jenna leaves me?" He asked, tears filling his eyes yet again. "Why would she do that, Ty? I'll answer that. She won't." 

"But Josh," he corrected, "she's not going to stay married to a baby forever." "So what if she does, Tyler? She's married to a baby, big deal, I know it's strange, uh, very strange... But you weren't always a baby! You turning into a baby has nothing to do with either of you." I tried to explain to him. "She can't have kids, like she wants, we can't have our 'perfect little family.' All because I'm a helpless babbling baby boy. I can't do anything, I can't perform and I can't protect the woman I love. I'm useless." His frail voice trailed off at the end, exhausted from all the crying and worrying. 

"Tyler, you're not useless." I tried to reason with him. He just looked off into the distance again. "Josh?" He said weakly. "Yeah Tyler?" I said as I saw him fidget with his shirt- which was way too big for him now- and then he finally spoke up. " What if you leave me too?" He said in a more child-like tone. I stared at him in shock as he slowly looked up at me. 

"Tyler, you're my best friend. We're bros, I'm not leaving you... Yes you're a baby, so what? I can pick up chicks more easily with a baby in my arms anyway!" I said as I heard a small giggle come from Tyler. "But honestly, Ty, I am not going anywhere. I won't leave you, I'll be right here by your side." I smiled at him sadly. 

Tyler slowly started to cuddle into my side. Then after a little while of silence, Tyler said to me "Thanks Josh..." I patted his small head. "No problem." We just sat and watched some T.V. before he passed out right next to me. He must be exhausted after working himself up so badly, I suppose I can let him rest, especially since I have no idea where to start to fix him anyway...

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