Chapter 10: Jenna's home from Florida (Pt. 3)

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Tyler's P.O.V

I haven't felt very good in the past few days... I don't know what's wrong but I feel I'm losing control. I'm having trouble speaking properly, I'm having trouble focusing, reading, eating, drinking... Etc., you name it!

This sucks and poor Josh is having to take care of me... I want to tell him to stop but this instinct inside me is just telling me to let go and let him take care of it all, I just want to be taken care of.

In fact, Josh had just fed me a bottle, considering I've stopped eating most solid foods. He asks me if we can talk, I nod my head as I'm laid over his shoulder and he's patting my back. 

"Ty, I need you to listen, you're scaring me." He says, and a small burp escapes my mouth. I use my small chubbish arms to push against his shoulder to meet his gaze. "But why?" I ask. Knowing all too well the answer.

"Because I'm afraid you're becoming more of a baby than you are a man..." He says. I just want to be taken care of, is that too much to ask?? I lay my head back down and hide into him... "So?" Just take care of me... I don't feel well.

"So? So everything! What about the band? The fans? Me? What about your parents? Siblings?? What about..." Josh hesitates, "what about Jenna?" ...Everyone else I could rationalize, but Jenna? Why did you have to bring her into this?! I can't help it, all my fears and emotions boil over into hot tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Tyler stop it-" He scolds until I just can't hold it back anymore. I have to tell him! "I don't want to wose her Jish, what if I forget everythin?! I'm wosin controw!" I sob into his shirt. He hugs me tight.

"We can't let that happen okay? Look Jenna's coming home tomorrow right? We have time to clean this place up, figure out a little more of what happened, and make sure you know who you are." He smiled. i looked up at him with hopeful eyes. "Reawwy jish?" I said.

"Of course." He's such a good friend, and I'm so happy I'm not alone here... But I'm still terrified. What if... What if she doesn't love me anymore? Is that a possibility? Or am I being irrational? I can't think straight. Before I knew it, I was telling Josh what was on my mind. "Jish, what if she doesn't wove me anymo, Jish?" I said sadly, pain riddled within my small voice.

"She will Ty, I mean I still do too! We're just Bros! Your wife will still love you." He attempts to reassure me. "But I'm a baby... what if I never turn back?" I whine, rather pathetically. "Don't worry about that, we'll take good care of you. You're always our Tyler, just a little smaller." He winks at me jokingly. He lays me beside him on my couch and he turns on a movie. 

I really hate that he's having to do this... He's so exhausted. In fact, after a few minutes he falls asleep right then and there. I feel bad, I don't want to be a burden. I really don't.

I stayed still and laid my small head on a pillow. I watched the movie happily, although thoughts were racing in my head. It's alright though, I assured myself." Jenna won't be back until tomorrow... There's still time- I think to myself as I hear the front door open.



I hear her, I here her voice. It's Jenna! What do I do?! She's calling my name, I can't let her find me! Josh is asleep and it's going to take a freaking fog horn to wake him up! I can't let her know I'm here, BUT I'M ONE I CAN'T GO ANYWHERE! 

I am doomed for Jenna to find me, so I do what any rational one year old would do and just hide myself with the pillow. I'm small enough, right? This is totally convincing.

"Tyler Robert-" I hear her say my first and last name and I freeze. This is serious, she's going to get worried. "Where are you? I want to kiss you, hello!" ... Kissing. I vaguely remember the taste of her lips. The sweet goodbye kiss she gave me before she left is all I remember. 

I miss her kisses. I miss her cuddles. Cuddles? I want cuddles. Wait no, I can't think like this!  I have to be an adult, kiss her, take her out to dinner, taking her on tour, I have to be there for her! I have to hold her in my arms again!

I just getting nervous as I hear her coming  towards the couch, my mind is racing, will I ever kiss her again? Will I ever hold her?! I start trembling and I am sure the whole world is shaking. Oh no, the pillow!- 

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