Chapter 8: Jenna's home from Florida (Pt. 1)

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Josh's P.O.V

It's been a little rough... Tyler has had a bad couple of days; however, things were seeming to start looking up. I knew that Tyler was starting to lose a bit of himself, so I decided to have a talk that we both very much needed.

"Ty, can we talk?" I say as I hold him over my shoulder, trying to burp him seeing as he had just finished a bottle. I feel a nod.

"Ty, I need you to listen, you're scaring me." He burps a small burp and used his small arms to push against my shoulder to meet my gaze. "But why?" His small voice questions.

"Because I'm afraid you're becoming more of a baby than you are a man..." I say quietly, he buries his head into my shoulder. "So?" I hear him say.

"So? So everything! What about the band? The fans? Me? What about your parents? Siblings?? What about..." do I dare mention her? Drastic times.... "what about Jenna?" With that he starts crying.

"Tyler stop it-" I'm cut off right as he speaks. "I don't want to wose her Jish, what if I forget everythin?! I'm wosin controw!" He sobs into my shirt. I hug him tight.

"We can't let that happen okay? Look Jenna's coming home tomorrow right? We have time to clean this place up, figure out a little more of what happened, and make sure you know who you are." I smiled. He looked up at me with hopeful eyes. "Reawwy jish?" He said.

"Of course." I shook my head in agreement. "Jish, what if she doesn't wove me anymo, Jish?" He says sadly, pain riddled within his voice.

"She will Ty, I mean I still do too! We're just Bros! Your wife will still love you." I reassure him. "But I'm a baby... what if I never turn back?" He whines. "Don't worry about that, we'll take good care of you. You're always our Tyler, just a little smaller." I wink at him. I lay him by my side on the couch and turn on a movie.

He's been fussy at night due to his previous sickness so I'm exhausted. I fall asleep before I know it, just to soon be rudely awakened by a screaming child. Oh c'mon... Tyler, your lungs never cease to amaze me...


I jump to my feet expecting to only see Tyler; however, I'm met with Jenna's gaze. Oh no.

"Looking for this?" She yells over Tyler's hysteric sobs. I nodded my head slowly, not knowing what the heck I should do in this situation. She wasn't even supposed to be back until tomorrow! All I can stammer out from my lips was "What?" 

She's confused, understandably, she responds right back with "What do you mean 'what?'" 

"Y-you're not supposed to be back yet, at least not til tomorrow." I trip over my own words rushing to get them out. Why in the world was she here so soon? 

"So? I'm back early. No big deal, right?" she smiled, I felt my face grow hot and red as I just nodded making eye contact with Tyler for a second.

"So where's Tyler?" Jenna asked. Tyler absolutely lost it right there in her arms, he started wailing and screaming. Jenna tried her best to comfort him, but Tyler was no having it whatsoever. 

She was noticeably concerned and she didn't expect him to just breakout into sobs like that so she asked "What's wrong with him???". 

The truth seems good, there's no reason to lie... But I don't know how much I'm at liberty to tell her for Tyler's sake. "...He is just scared and embarrassed." I said hesitantly, I just thought I had more time to prepare! Oh, who am I kidding, I didn't know what I was going to say tomorrow either...

"Like what?-" She asks as she scoffs a little, "He's like one, what is there to be embarrassed about? Except maybe a dirty diaper." Jenna laughed to herself. Tyler was not having it and I could tell. Neither of us took the joke as funny considering the last few days events.

"Even then," She continued "a one year old wouldn't be embarrased about that, they're blissfully unaware!" She said logically. Tyler was crying into her shirt, I could see the wet tear stain growing on her left shoulder. 

"Josh, please explain why there's a baby in my house, and I want to see Tyler, where'd he run off to?" She asked quickly. Tyler didn't expect for her to mention him again, I suppose, and he started crying even more... Poor Tyler.

What do I tell her? I can't tell her! Tyler is so embarrassed! ... But I can't just not tell her, she'll worry and I honestly don't know how long Tyler will stay like this... It's now or never I suppose. "Jenna,  I don't know how to tell you this, but... that's Tyler." 

She sat there in silence for a second then busted out laughing. Oh great she doesn't believe me... I stare at Tyler for a second then met her eyes with my distraught gaze. A few more seconds of silence, and I think she starts to realize I'm serious. "...what do you mean this is Tyler?" 

I think long and hard before I continue, honestly, I'm not even sure what's going on! I have no authority to explain this to her; however, here we are. I do my best and explain the past couple of days as well as I could. Tyler is shaking and I feel so bad... Jenna holds him to her chest tightly and just hugs the poor child.

Jenna had been quiet for a few more minutes, collecting her thoughts. She decides to speak up while Tyler is only crying softly now. "Can he understand me?? Does he know who he is?"  she questions me. 

Honesty, it's the best policy... "...Yeah for now he does." Tyler over heard, and his cries got a much sadder tone to them, although they were being heavily muffled by Jenna's shirt. 

They continue to talk and work things out the best way they can... Jenna is handling this like a champ, and I can't help but hurt for poor Tyler. What in the world is going on in his head? ...What about Jenna? 

I just miss my adult best friend.

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