Chapter 4: "You Can't Wear that..."

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Tyler's P.O.V. 

I woke up to Josh watching the local sports network. It wasn't very interesting, the score was practically 14-0 the entire game. I yawned, half oblivious to the fact I was still a baby, half just exhausted in general. I'm probably no older than one, perhaps one and a half at the absolute maximum. 

After I regained my senses, I remembered the weight of the situation... Man, this wasn't a good day for me. I looked down to see myself swallowed in my adult forms' clothing. Uhm. This might be a problem. I opened my shirt to see that I had no pants.... Or underwear. I was literally just swaddled into my t-shirt. 

After I was done I looked up at Josh and yawned. "Josh....?" I said hesitantly. "Yes Ty?" He said happily. "Josh, uh." How do you tell your best friend that you need baby clothes? "I need... Items." I said. "Items? What kind of items?" He smiled, knowing well what I was saying, but wanted me to say it out loud. "....You know....." I said, hoping he wouldn't make me say it. "Man, I can't read your mind." He smirked jokingly. "Fine, I need baby clothes. To fit my small body." I plainly stated.

"Why didn't you just say so?" He laughed. "Hah hah, very funny." I said. "Look, do you want to come with me or stay here?" He asked. "I don't want anyone to see me, I should stay here." I said. Josh thought about it for a second. "Is that safe? What if something happens to you? You're just a baby. You can't do anything about anything! But I can't bring you into a store with just a t-shirt on... Man, Ty...." He said hoping I would answer this for him. "Well, I should be safe, I'll just sit here on the couch and won't go anywhere until you come back, okay?" 

"Okay... Please be okay... I'll be back super quickly!" Josh said as he ran out the door. He was very quick, honestly. It only took about 45 minutes before he was back with everything. "Tyler?!" He yelled. "Yea?" I said. "Oh okay, phew, you're alright. Hey dude, I got the stuff." He said proudly, a little out of breath though.

He came around the couch where I could see him and he had like 4 bags and 3 boxes. I tilted my head. "That's a lot of clothes." I said. "Well, I got more than just clothes, I got a lot of stuff I feel like we needed. You look like you're like, one or two, so that's not very promising for how far your dietary track is developed." Josh replied. 

"Okay? So what'd you get?" I asked curiously. "Well, I got the clothes, as well as bottles, a high chair, car seat, crib, Pacifiers, bibs, stuffed animals, Diapers-"  As Josh was saying this, however, I interrupted. I was shocked, he was treating me like I was going to be a baby forever! But I drew the line at Diapers.... "DIAPERS?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU GOT ME DIAPERS?! I DON'T NEED DIAPERS!" I screamed in protest. 

"Tyler, you're very young, you need diapers. It's the only thing that will fit you anyway. I got some pull-ups if you'd rather those... But you need something that will actually fit you." Josh said. "...You act like I'm going to be a baby forever." I pouted. "Ty, we don't know how long it will be and I'm just trying to look out for you, you know that..." Josh was a little sad that I didn't like my stuff. So I decided that he was honestly looking out for me and I should trust him. "Okay... You're right, I'm sorry, I just don't want to be a baby forever." I whined. "It's okay, I don't want you to be either." He smiled as he said that. 

Josh looked at me and kind of laughed. "What?!" I said defensively. "Nothing, just, you definitely can't wear that t-shirt anymore..." He picked me up and took me into the bedroom with all the stuff and started setting things up. First the crib, then the high chair, then the car seat, It took like 15 minutes for all of them.

Then Josh turned to me and said " Alright Tyler, you ready for me to change you into your outfit?" Wait, Josh is going to change me? No, I can change myself, thank you! "No, I can do it myself." I said. "Are you sure...?" Josh asked, questioning the might of my small chubby muscles. "Yes I'm sure Mr. Bodybuilder." I snapped back. He laughed as he said "Fair enough." He then proceeded to grab an outfit out of the bag and give it to me.

I started changing and I was completely fine, Josh called from outside the door a couple times to make sure I was okay, but other than that I was just slow. Everything went alright, I was completely dressed now, except, the pull-up was a little big. It doesn't matter, I won't have any accidents. 

Speaking of, I need to use the restroom and am not quite sure how this'll work.... "Josh...?" I call out. He comes in the room. "Everything okay, Tyler?" "Yes... I have to go to the bathroom." I say timidly. "Well, what do we do for that?" He asked. "Like I know the answer?" I said. 

"Fair enough!" He said as he picked me up and brought me over to the toilet and sat me on it. He held me by my arms so I could go to the bathroom without falling in. Heturned his head as I went. This wasn't all too bad, I mean, we've had to share a tour bus before... Since there's only one bathroom and two of us, sometimes we'd have to share it at the same time. We're pretty bad at time management.

After I was done, I pulled my pull-up and pants back on. "Done." I called out to him. He picked me up and carried me to the living room where apparently he'd been working in the kitchen as well, I could see bottles. Oh boy."Hey Tyler, are you hungry?" Josh asked. "Yes." I said. Josh went over to a cupboard and looked.

"Okay we have a bunch of sauces, oatmeal, mush stuff-" Josh tried to say as I protested yet again. "NO MUSH, I want some mac and cheese!" I yelled. "Alright, just quit yelling. Mac and cheese probably won't hurt you, but you're drinking milk...." He said to me. "Deal." I said happily, I actually like milk. 

Josh gave me the food and the drink- even in an adult cup!- I ate and drank everything perfectly fine. Josh was pleasantly surprised. "Tyler, I'm proud." "Why?" I asked eating my food blissfully, kicking my little legs in the highchair- which I didn't mind because it was perfectly sized! 

"You're still acting your age, except for the crying, but honestly, everything else, you're still acting pretty much like normal Tyler." He said happily. I smiled at this. "Maybe if you keep it up, you'll go back to normal. Hang on to your grown-up ways, otherwise, I don't know if we can get you back to normal." He said. 

I smiled at him confident I would stay all grown-up, just inside a babies body. Easy Peasy I thought! 

I was wrong.

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