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Hey everyone. Please feel free to give me your comments about this book. Happy reading! Have a nice day

I know it's boring for you guys to read this same warning from the authors in Wattpad but you need to understand this.

This book is fictional and solely based on my imagination. I DO NOT AND WILL NOT APPRECIATE MY WORK BEING COPIED. 

I always thought it was unnecessary to warn readers about copying and I myself found it kinda annoying to read the warning in the beginning of Wattpad books. Well, only now I understand why authors do it. I mean one can only understand these things when they are at the receiving end right? Yeah. So a big NO NO to copying and stealing plots.

And Finally please read this,

Those who are rereading (rr), please refrain from giving out any spoilers. Not cool guys. It's not fun for the first time readers at all. Let the first time readers read the story without knowing what's gonna happen next. Don't spoil their reading experience please. Thank you.

You can always predict, I know it's not fun if you can't but NO spoilers.


We live in a world where power defines your fate. The more power you have, the safer you are. The more certainty there is that you'll live another day. And this world, where we live in is taken over by Vampires. Specifically the Royal Pure Bloods. 

The Isoldrian bloodline. Generations of powerful rulers.

They are vampires with extraordinary powers. Heightened senses, super strength and speed. They're also deadly and ruthless. Not to mention they live on human blood to obtain maximum strength and power. Nothing stands in their way of getting what they want. They are the monsters in every horror story told to children. That being said they rule the largest part of the world and over all other creatures.

All except the Elves and The Giant Trolls. They are the only creatures who are not bound to the Royal Pure Bloods.

You see Elves are extremely proud creatures. They bow to no one, especially the Royal Pure Bloods. They stick together as one and they're strong, slick, and immortal. Plus, they are a proud number of people. That is how they stay strong. So the Royals and the Elven king had an agreement almost a thousand years ago and it is practiced until today. If either one of their Kingdom's well-being is ever threatened, the other would be obligated to help. If nothing happens, they mind their own business.

The Giant trolls? Well, they don't actually give a damn about anything. They aren't smart or civilized to have a decent conversation with. They are savage, barbarians. They do what they do best. Try and conquer as much land as possible.


That was all fine until they came a little too close to the Fae Kingdom.

Something you need to understand is that the Fae creatures are extremely important. They keep the balance of nature and they also help and make sure there are enough crops. (plants, vegetables and animals too) The Fae Kingdom also holds the source of all white magic used to maintain the balance of Mother Nature and all its creatures. So they must be protected.

That's where the Elves come in. To defend the Fae Kingdom. The Trolls however, well they don't care. So they attack. And there you have it. A war that includes the Elves and Faes against the Trolls.

Coming back to the Royals, they rule over the rest of the vampires, werewolves, Fae creatures, witches, and lastly us humans.


A simple word for a simple being. We posses nothing extraordinary. No super strength, agility, vo-Doo talent stuff, or pixie dust. Hence, we are the ones they pick on. Little weaklings they'd call us. Sadly, there's no denying that.

Those of us who live in the Vampiric Kingdom suffer the most. We are needed for our blood, as slaves to the Royals and oh more blood. It's compulsory that we humans donate our blood at least once a month. If anyone refuses it's against the law, if it's against the law, it's against the Royals, if it's against them, you die in the worst possible way. Simple as that.

I didn't understand how they could make us slaves. We were already at the bottom of the food chain. Witches do live among us but they hold a higher position. Humans don't own much resources, hence we depend on others . So at the time, I  couldn't imagine what a slave life was.

Wasn't it already bad enough?

No. They actually can make your life more miserable by making you feel lower.

They practically own us and in return we get security.

Like they don't know they're the real danger to us. Anyway, on the plus side, there's no murder, burglary,  rape or any kind of a nuisance. At least we get to be only scared of the Vampires. And the Royals.

Then there's the Great Annual Sacrifice. Every year 10 humans from the Fae territory must be handed over to the Vampiric Kingdom. Just like that. No buts. They are to be used as pleased by the Royals. 

Why are the werewolves not bothered? 

Because they're already required to serve in the army as it is their responsibility. Seeing as they are the second strongest creature and under the Royal Pure Blood's rule, the Royals make full use of them. The army in the Vampiric Kingdom is practically half  vampires and half werewolves.

However, humans who live in the Werewolf, Elven or Fae territory have a much better chance of surviving and living happily. They still have their own responsibilities like helping out by becoming a pack warrior to maintain a strong army. Also, a werewolf can have a human bear his pups if one does not have a mate.

In the Fae Kingdom, humans help the fae creatures with fresh crops and finding new ways to multiply the crops and taking care of the plants and animals. Even if some of them have to be handed over once a year, it's not until you're 18. So yes. They live much much happier with a better life.

Why can't the humans just leave if they want a better life? Excellent question!

Simple answer. We humans can't. Once you step in the vampiric kingdom whether you want to go there or you're just passing through or whether you just wandered through into the Kingdom,

You. Can't. Step. Out.

You are stuck there till the day you die. And you know what? They don't tell you! Nobody warns anyone!  'It's against the law,'  they say. Well that's how it is. Too bad.

And I haven't even mentioned the biggest problem of all yet. 


Darkness itself.

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