Chapter 17

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Hello everyone!!!  Yeap new update!!!!!  Just wanna let you guys know, some of you readers really want the Princes' POV.

The thing is I've already planned the story, for those of you who want his POV, don't worry there will be many chapters later. Just not now. Hope you enjoy this and share your thoughts.

If it's not too much I would also really love to know you guys. So if you have time why don't you comment your name, age and the place or country you're from. Have a great day you guys!!!! 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗


"E....Eve?" his eyes were wide as dollar coins. His expression, priceless. He was surprised, confused and scared all at the same time. I would have laughed my heart out if we were not in this unfortunate situation.

"Yes. Kyle it's me."

"Eve Kheelan?" I was annoyed now.

"What proof do you want Kylie pie?!" I got up and gave my brother a bone crushing hug.

"Eve!  Oh God it's really you! I thought....."

"Sssshhhhh. Keep your voice down. Oh gosh it's going to be nine. What are you doing here?"

"What does the timing gotta do with anything?  And don't interrupt me when I'm talking. As I was saying-"

"Wait let us go somewhere else instead of talking in the middle of the hallway." I grabbed his hand and pulled him to the corner.

"You will not interrupt me again," Kyle spit out. "As I was saying, I thought you were dead. Henri told me not to keep my hopes up for you. I mean not in a bad way, she just told me to be prepared for anything because well....this is not the nicest place for us humans," I nodded understandingly.

Even I am surprised that I've lasted this long. "But boy am I glad you're alive!" he said cheerfully and hugged me again. 

"Me too but I'm not happy to see you here Kyle. Were all of you...?"

"Taken? Yeah. Oh and Eve? I couldn't recognize you just now. Not until you used that monstrous nickname," he then looked me up and down.

I looked away feeling almost embarrassed. Thank God it was just Kyle. I was a scrawny servant with dead eyes. "I...I know I don't look my best Kyle," I said in a low voice.

"You look like crap! Oh God, am I gonna end up looking like you?! How long till my beautiful face lose it'''!"

"Kyle!" I whisper yelled. "Don't shout and don't rub it in my face!"

"Oh. Um okay but you still look horrible though." I let out a heavy breath, giving up on the boy in front of me. Where were Alex and Tonya when I needed them?

"Enough about my looks. Tell me about Henri and Tonya."

"Henri will be cleaning castle grounds. Tonya outside the castle. Something to do with plants and shit."

"Gardening?" I corrected him.

"Yeah whatever." he said picking at his sleeves. I could see he hated everything already. I couldn't blame him. It's only going to get worse.

"I know that you're dying to know my job now. Well before I say anything I absolutely hate my job and the stupid bloodsucker I have....mmhhmmm!" I almost pushed my hands inside his mouth. Why was he so freaking stupid?!

"Kyle you stupid stupid boy!" I whispered while pinching his ear as hard as I could. "Owhh owh. My ear is sensitive now!" he whined like the toddler he really is. Once he was quiet again I let go of his ear.

Her Darkness, His Light (Book 1)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें