Chapter 2

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Have a great day ahead and God bless you.


We could hear the faraway sound of heavy wheels and distant cries. That only meant one thing. They were coming to collect a new batch.

Alex immediately took control.

"Quick! Hide and be quiet. Henri close the curtains. Tonya, lights off." he whispered yelled. We hurdled together in the kitchen.

All this is not actually going to stop them from taking us if they really wanted to, but still we always try and stop them from considering our house.
Alex holds me tightly in his arms while I held onto Tonya's hand on my right. Kyle and Henri were both close behind us.

The sound of the wagons got louder and louder. They were in our street now. We all held our breaths as we stood frozen in our spots.

If in any case they come up and order you into a wagon, you have no right to say 'No.' The wagons take you straight to the palace where you become a slave. Of course they called you 'servants' but we know better. Whether you liked it or not, it's an "honor" to work in the palace as slaves. It's an honor to die for the royals. That's what they keep feeding our brains until we accept it.

As they came close to our neighbor on the right, Alex held me closer. I was trembling. Tonya's palm was already sweaty. There's only so many times they can miss our house. I heard voices of protest come from our neighbor. Parents being separated from children. The children were crying. Either the parents or the children were taken. That much we could make out.

Alex stiffened. I then placed my free hand over his arm in a comforting manner as I knew how much this bothered him. Just then I realized they were done with my neighbor.

We were next.

The mechanical sound that came from the wheels of the wagons were the scariest sound you'll ever hear. Once they take you, you're done. For life. No getting out.
Would it stop? Would it pass?

One can only pray.

We all stopped breathing and the was silence. Only silence. Silence that could kill. And it was killing me. Every second of it felt as if all the air was being sucked out of my lungs. Then, after a few near heart attacks, and heightened blood pressure, after a few painfully slow minutes, we heard the wagons move pass our house.
As seconds turned into minutes, we couldn't hear them anymore.

"This is getting bad. This is getting really really bad! " Tonya said panicking.

"What is?" Alex asks.

"The last time they needed a fresh batch was three weeks ago guys! It's supposed to be once a month! " Tonya waved her hands frantically "It's becoming more and more often, means more and more slaves are dying. Quickly at that." She said sounding defeated. Alex held her arm "We survived another round. I think we should be thankful."

"Yeah he's right. At least we know we're in the clear for another mon.. I mean three weeks right?" I chipped in.

"Oh joy! Hurray for us!!" Kyle said, his voice filled with sarcasm.

"Don't try to be so tough. You think I missed the part where you held Henri's hand so fucking tightly? I wouldn't be surprised if she fractured a couple of her fingers ." Alex bursts out.

"So you saying I'm strong?"

"Just. Shut. Up. Scaredy cat. You're just as thankful as the rest of us," Alex says

Her Darkness, His Light (Book 1)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora