Chapter 8

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Hellooooooooo my lovely readers!!!! Sooo, hope all of you are having a splendid weekend.

Readers when they realise nothing happened as a result of Eve taking the flower 👀 👀 👀

Here's another chapter!!!

Do let me know what u think.


I quickly finished up my chores and ran to the kitchen to collect dinner. It was already 6.50.

"Eve, is that you?" I heard the voice that I was yearning to hear for some time now.

"Alex! I'm so glad to see you!!" I ran to hug him but remembered that I had to get dinner so I stopped midway. "Oh I'm sooooo sorry but I have to go. Like now. Immediately. I love you take care!"

"Hey! Eve wa-" I took a tray that was ready and left him hanging.


Oh please don't let him be in! 

When I reached his door, I switched to ninja mode. I silently slipped in and took the tray over to the oval table in the middle, to set up his meal.

I stood up straight to scan the room, listening to any sound. When I heard none,  I left the room as fast as I could.

If he wasn't there or didn't ask for anything, I am to leave and come back an hour later to clean up. At least that's what Ms. Odelle said. I was more than happy to oblige.

Once outside, I didn't know how to pass time so I asked a nearby servant, a young lady, if she needed any help.

"Excuse me?!" she asked sounding shocked.

"Oh you look really busy so I just wanted to know if you needed any help cleaning?"

"I am the Princess Esmeralda Valentina, daughter of King Caelestinus and Queen Charlotte, you little human!!! And I'm looking for my earring not cleaning!"

Ooooooo Eve! You've really done it this time!!  Why do you have to be so dumb? She wasn't even wearing a uniform for God's sake.

My eyeballs were bulging out by now.


I'm not even supposed to be looking at her in the eye.

How many rules have I broken now?

"Oh Ohhh...Ohh Um.... I'm sorry. Sorry.. I mean sorry Your Highness. I apologize for asking, that was such a stupid question and I am a stupid person as well, but not all the time just today and maybe my first day and sometimes when I'm nervous but anyway I thought you were....aahh never mind what I thought I'm really truly sorry for my words and actions.

I'lldoanythingtomakeitup!Pleasedon'tkillme!" I ended my blabbering.

No sound. all.

I'm dead. So dead.

"Wow. Do you need to catch a breath or something because that was the longest I've seen anyone go without breathing." I could sense the amusement in her voice. "You just gonna stand there or help me look for my earring?" she asked flatly.

Wait what?

She's not going to punish me?! She didn't sound mad in the slightest.


Why can't you just start looking for the earring?!  My subconscious mind yelled.

"O...of course Your Highness." With that being said, I look to the ground.
Eventually, I had to go on all fours, looking under every furniture. I wish I could ask her where she lost it but I wasn't allowed to talk unless she decided to speak first or rather speak to me first.

This was getting tiring and we weren't even halfway done with this one hallway!

"I know it has to be here somewhere! How can a shiny thing like that disappear?" she grumbled.
After at least getting an idea of what I was looking for, I stood up  quickly after some time.

Big mistake.

My vision went black for a moment and the whole hallway was moving.

I held onto the closest flower table to steady myself.
Once I felt better I turned my gaze towards the flowers and began to admire them. Me being me, I reached out to touch them. A lovely bunch of calla lilies. As I looked closer, one was bent downwards but it wasn't wilted or anything.

So I straightened it up but it fell again right after. Like it was being pulled down. I held that particular flower to straighten it up again and that's when I felt something hard. Curious, I looked into it and there it was!

I wanted to jump with joy but I held myself back.

Inside the flower laid a beautiful diamond stud. I grabbed it and walked towards the princess with my head bowed. Then, I held out my hand. I wasn't going to break another rule again.

"Oh thank goodness you found it!! Where was it?!" she asked as she held her earring close to her chest. 

"It was inside one of the flowers over there Your Highness," I told her. 

"Oh. Well, whatever made you to dig into flowers I'm glad you found it. Thanks again." She was genuinely grateful.

Must be special earrings.

"You're very welcome Your Highness," I gave her a bow. "I guess I kept you for a little too long, you should go." With that she walked away and disappeared in the corner.

Huh? It couldn't have been that long.

"Hey Eve! Where were you?!" an angry worried voice came from behind me. 

"Bethany? What are you doing here?" 

"What are you still doing here?! It's ten!"

The second those words left her mouth I froze. I had entirely lost track of time. Working time was over an hour ago!  If I survive today, it would be a miracle.

"Don't wait up for me." I said as I ran in the opposite direction. 

I stood in front of the doors to His room. Breathing heavily.

Every possible negative thought played in my mind. I didn't clean up after his meal. Today might just be the day I die. 

Now that I know that he's in I'll have to knock first. Which I did.

No answer.

I turned the knob and found the doors unlocked. I popped my head in first. There was a candle lit up on the dining table. It wasn't enough to light up the entire room but I could see what I needed to see.

I scanned the room once more before deciding that it wasn't occupied at the moment. I rushed in and at the speed of light, cleaned the table and ran out.

Completely unaware of the watchful eyes that was set on me the entire time.


And that was chapter 8!!!

Do u like the Princess Esmeralda?

What do you think the Dark Prince would be like?

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