Chapter 28

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Pheww!! Longest chapter I've written so far guys!  I know you've all waited long. I can't thank you enough for all the support. My book has more than a hundred thousand views. Thank you, thank you. Muah Muah!! 💖💖💖💖💖💖. God bless you. Have a wonderful day ahead. 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖


Timothy's POV

"Out?" my personal servant stupidly answered.

That was it for my big brother. He pushed me aside with enough force to make me fall to the ground. The next second, his hand was wrapped around my servants neck. He then slowly lifted him up like he weighed nothing at all.

The other red haired servant girl let out a huge gasp. Her face became so pale that the skin turned almost completely white. She shook her head frantically but no words came out of her.

Phoenix brought my servant's face close to his. "What did you say to me?"

"You a..asked us a q...question and I answered?" his voice sounded strangled because he was actually being strangled.

"You trash! You touched her didn't you?! I will skin you alive in the dungeons! I'll make sure your screams are heard to the ends of every corner of the castle then I'll feed you to my beasts and I'll watch them devour you like any piece of meat." His eyes turned pitch black and I saw his dark blue veins spread all over his exposed skin.

I wanted to go forward and explain the situation because obviously I didn't want my personal servant dead. I was just getting used to his crazy self. However, before I could move, the red head rushed to Phoenix.

"NO!!!  No please let him go Your Highness!!'re choking h...him," she cried.

"I will not give him such a quick death. I promise you that," he growled out as he tightened his hand around my servant's throat.

"Don't do it brother. We..."

"Shut up!! Guards!!" he threw my servant to the ground and walked to me. Very pissed. My servant coughed uncontrollably. Two guards walked in and put shackles around my servants wrists and both of them stood on either side of him. The red head wanted to rush to him but one look from Phoenix prevented her from doing so. Good thing she understood that my brother had no problem killing my silly servant but I didn't know if she stopped because of my brother's warning glare or because my servant signaled for her not to go to him. Her eyes were already starting to tear up.

I couldn't see them after that because Phoenix stood directly in front of me no doubt expecting an explanation.

Or he didn't want to hear anything and I was in big big trouble.

I tried looking into his mind for an idea but that made him look even scarier. "Try that again and I'll hit you Angel."

"Okay, okay!  I'm sorry but I had to!"

"You. Had. To?"

"Yes it's not what it looks like!  That's her brother. He just wanted to see if she's okay. If she was still alive." I hoped I look really adorable and innocent.

Phoenix bent down so we were the same level. "How could you let him fool you, you idiot?!! He's not her brother. They don't share the same blood! How in the world could you not have sensed that?!!" I flinched at his loud voice. Everyone did. The temperature rose up real fast. The rest of them behind us were already beginning to panic. I on the other hand was all too used to this.

"Look," I said softly. "I already know that they're not blood related. My servant explained everything to me. They used to live in one house. Five of them actually. They've lived together long enough to be family okay. So please calm down and don't punish my servant. He just wanted to see her."

Her Darkness, His Light (Book 1)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora