Winnie the Pooh Doesn't Exist

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[O V E R V I E W]

Before anyone says, "ofc he isn't real," that isn't exactly what I mean.

This theory is within the Winnie the Pooh story. The theory goes that each character from Winnie the Pooh is actually a mental illness.

[C H R I S T O P H E R]

Christopher Robin suffers from schizophrenia

[W I N N I E]

Winnie suffers from obsessive fixations, ADHD and OCD.

Pooh is obsessed with honey and will do anything to get it, even if it means putting himself and others into dangerous situations. He also exhibits a strain or ADHD, the inattentive subtype, through his careless and indifferent behavior towards his peers. Lastly, Pooh's repetitive counting is an expression of OCD.

[P I G L E T]

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAP)

Piglet worries - a lot. He exhibits classic signs of GAD and it is believed that the anxiety stems from a crippled self-estem. His stuttering is also very likely a result of his anxiety.

[O W L]


While Owl may be the more intelligent character he still struggles with his spelling. Often words are spelt wrong, letters are missing, swapped or backwards.

[T I G G E R]


He is constantly bouncing everywhere, all the time. He can never seem to stay in one place for an extended time.

[K A N G A]

Social Anxiety Disorder

Her overprotectivness of her soon in the way she never let's Roo make his own decisions indicates her exaggerated fear for Roo's safety.

[R O O]

Autism Spectrum Disorder

He is unaware of danger in his surroundings and has an attachment to sitting in his mother's pouch.

[R A B B I T]


Rabbit is obsessed with keeping everything organized (i.e. his garden)

[E E Y O R E]


Eeyore has a very bleak outlook on life. He shows no emotion such as joy or excitement.

[T H O U G H T S]


I for one, believe that each character is meant to represent a specific mental illness.

[P. S.]

If I missed a mental illness I am sorry, those were just the ones I found.

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