Disney Theories Part Two

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There is a lot of theories about Frozen. So this chapter will only be about Frozen theories I have found rather than multiple Disney movies.

You have probably seen Frozen at least once. If not you've definitely heard about it and most likely know the song 'Let It Go.'

Ever since the movie came out many theories have been thought of, some more believable than others. So let's go over them.


One of the most poplar theories is that Ana and Elsas parents survived the ship wreck and give birth to Tarzan, before being mauled by a wild animal of course.

In 2017, Frozen director Chris Buck confirmed the fan theory. He said during the four years it took to make the feature animated film, he constantly thought of what happened to the sister's parents. In his head, he said, the king and queen were pregnant with Tarzan when their ship wrecked. They built a treehouse before their untimely end, and the boy was raised by gorillas.

But this was a fan theory before Chris confirmed it so I'm putting it here anyway.


When Ana and Kristoff went to find another Ana figured that if Kristoff kissed her that it would help her. But would it have?

This theory suggests that if Ana didn't save Elsa and instead kiss Kristoff that it wouldn't have helped at all. In fact, it would have doomed both of the girls.

In Scandinavian folklore, tears are more powerful than a kiss, making a kiss the second most powerful magic to undo a curse.

Even though the kiss is the second strongest power to undo a curse, Kristoff's kiss might not have helped. Basically, because Anna and Kristoff have lived sheltered lives, they fall for each other after Anna falls for Hans. They are still young and naive in their affection and potential love for each other.


What if I told you Kristoff is a young Santa Clause?

Check out this theory from Redditor hoffdog:

"His name can be abbreviated to Kris (like Kris Kringle). He was raised by small mystical creatures, similar to elves. He is in love with reindeer. He rides in a sleigh. He loves the cold and is an expert in snow. His cheeks are pretty dang rosy if you ask me! Need I say more?"


First let's talk about the trolls. They kidnap a small child (Kristoff) and a baby reindeer just for the hell of it. They tell Elsa's parents to hide her away, denying her power, and setting her up for being ostracized, pushed toward self-exile, and reviled. I mean they told her to fear her magic and sold her a scary vision when before Elsa had complete control of her powers. Ana only got hurt because SHE was being reckless, not Elsa.

Now let's turn to Hans. Before even knowing Ana was the Princess he saves her. And when he was in the water after Ana walks away he smiles, but not like an evil smile. And then if his whole goal was to have Elsa die, why did he save her in the ice castle? Many say he wanted to bring back summer before Elsa died but at the end he himself went to kill her before she brought back summer. So what's up with his confusing character?

Many believe that the Trolls turned Hans bad because they wanted Kristoff to be apart of the royal family. Even when Kristoff told them than Ana was engaged they still tried to pull a fast one on them by trying to get Ana to marry him. In the song they even told Kristoff to get rid of Hans.

And then all of a sudden Hans turns into a bad guy? To many it just doesn't make sense.

The person who played Hans said in an interview that writers came up to him about Frozen 2 because they wanted a redemption arc for Hans, which is something no villain in the Disney world ever really gets.

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