Elisa Lam

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Before I begin I wanna start doing like unsolved cases and interesting cases cause those really fascinate me. Like those are my true passion. So along with theories I'll also be posting a lot of cases. While there will be some theories in some of these cases not all of them will have theories.


Elisa Lam was a 21 year old college student from Vancouver, Canada. In February 2013 she went to Los Angeles and was staying at The Cecil Hotel which is notorious for murderers to stay and has a history of people going their to kill themselves.

Elisa was found dead at the hotel in the water tanks in the roof. Before she died there was video footage of her taken in the hotel on an elevator and her behavior is very bizarre. I will be posting the video below for you to watch.

Now people actually think that this footage has been edited in some way. Some believe that at least a minute was cut from the video. Others think the video has been slowed down and stretched in order to cut something, or someone, out of the frame.

But by far the strangest thing is the elevator itself. Why didn't the doors close while she was in it or even the time she spent outside of the elevator? And when she walked away not only did it close, but it closed and reopened multiple times. It's just very odd.

18 days after this people at the hotel started complaining about the water. It was a funky color and they said it tasted weird.

When maintenance when onto the roof to check the water tank Elias' naked dead body was found floating inside the tank.

When she was taken out of the tank there was no signs of anything wrong. It didn't appear anyone had tried to harm her in any way.


Some people believe she found out the history of the hotel and knew people sometimes went there to kill themselves. This theory goes that Elisa wanted to kill herself and decided on this hotel to do it.


It's important to know that Elisa was bipolar and had to take medication. This medication was actually known to cause hallucinations.

Some believe that she was on some type of drug and having a hallucination of something which caused her very odd behavior.

However, they ran a drug test on her and nothing was found in her system, not even her own medication.


There is another theory that says an employee killed Elisa. This is because the only door to get to the roof where the water tank is at needs a key card. A key card that only employees would have. It would have been impossible for Elisa to get up there without setting of an alarm, but no alarm went off. Which is why people believe someone who worked at the hotel had killed her and hid her body.


While I try to stay as neutral and open to theories as much as possible I can't with this one. I do believe that the government does kill people but Elisa isn't one of them.

So this theory goes that before her stay at the hotel Elisa had tweeted about a secret project that a company in Canada was investing in. This secret project was an invisibility cloak. Some people believe she knew too much about it.

But here is the thing, this tweet was just her sharing an article from Huffington Post. You know how when you read an article and at the end you can press the twitter icon and post a link to the article on your twitter? That's literally all she did.


Could Elisa Lam be a made up character? Could they have created this character and faked a death? Possibly, if you believe this theory.

Around this time an outbreak of Tuberculosis hit the Skid Row area. Now the government either wanted to hide this or didn't want people to panic about this. The odd thing is the test name that determines whether or not someone had tuberculosis was Lam Elisa.

So many think the government had a girl act bizarre and named her Elisa Lam and faked this death. Because they knew this would grab people's attention and look her up. That way if you looked her name up there wouldn't be anything about the Lam Elisa tests. In other words, it was a diversion (which is a conspiracy theory in itself that I'll be talking about later)


If you love paranormal theories this may be the theory for you.

There is a paranormal game that originated in Korea, which has been compared to Bloody Mary in a way. You follow a set of rules in an elevator and an entity will come. The point of this game is to get to "The Other Side" and you'll know if you did if you are the only one there.

Now I won't be going into details about this game but I will put a link in the comments about the rules to this game if you want to know more about it. But I'll give a little overview just to explain a bit.

You must be alone and in a building that is at least 10 stories tall. After pressing certain buttons you will reach the 5th floor. If done correctly a woman will enter the elevator. You cannot speak to her and you cannot look at her and you cannot leave the elevator. You then press the first floor button. If it takes you to the first floor you can step out of the elevator. You still cannot look at her or speak to her. You can also go to the 10th floor and here you can choose to get off or stay on. If you get off the woman may ask you 'where are you going," but you cannot look or speak to her still.

I'm still not 100% sure what will happen if you look at her or what happens if you get to 'The Other Side.' I'm not sure the whole point of it.

Anyway, with the way she was pressing the buttons and acting like she was hiding from someone, looking in the hallway, some think she was playing this game or at least a variation of this game.


What do you believe happened to Elisa Lam? Do you think she killed herself, someone killed her, was so possessed or was she a made up character to distract people from something major? Let me know in the comments.

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