Elvis Presley

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Elvis Presley was born on January 8, 1935 in Mississippi. He was a famous singer and actor and was primarily known as The King of Rock and Roll or just The King. Elvis has been regarded as one of the most significant cultural icons of the 20th century.

Elvis died at the age of 42 on August 16, 1977. He was found in his bathroom and was rushed to the hospital but was pronounced dead upon arrival. People around him said he had died of cardiac arrhythmia - a form of heart attack.

At least that's the official story anyway. Because many people believe Elvis didn't actually die.


The overwhelming amount of theories are about how Elvis faked his death. Many for different reasons. Between not wanting to be famous anymore, to hiding from the mafia to being put in witness protection. So today we're going to be talking about reasons he may have faked his death and the evidence support it, if there are any that is.


Many believe that Elvis grew tired of the fame lifestyle and wanted out. But he knew he would never be free of it.

Right before the discovery of his body many eye witnesses reported a helicopter landing at his mansion and leaving soon before Elvis was found. Many believe Elvis was in the helicopter and flown somewhere to lay low for a while.


As crazy as this may sound, many believe he went back to his mansion after his death to become a groundskeeper. Why do people believe this? Reportedly there is a man who works at Elvis' old mansion that resembles Elvis, but older obviously.


One of the most popular theories is that Elvis worked with the mafia and was a mole for the police. Many believe the mafia suspected Elvis was a mole so Elvis went into the witness protection program and had no choice but to fake his death. Gail Brewer-Giorgio's 1988 book Is Elvis Alive? examines FBI documents suggesting the singer may have gone into witness protection.

"Do I know if Elvis is alive today? No, I don't know," Brewer-Giorgio told Time magazine. "But I know he didn't die on 16 August."


Elvis was a very superstitious person and so he would never want his real name on a fake grave, and yet that is exactly what happened. Elvis' full name is Elvis Aron Presley, and yet on his tombstone his name is spelt Elvis Aaron Presley. So many people believe this is a hint that he isn't actually dead.


This is by far the craziest one and it's based off of a crazy book. Joe Lansdale's novella Bubba Ho-Tep, which was turned into a 2002 movie. The movie sees an elderly Elvis, played by Bruce Campbell, living out his days in a nursing home in east Texas. In the film, an ageing Elvis meets an ageing John F. Kennedy (Ossie Davis), who escaped his assassination attempt and has been "dyed black" for his own protection. The two team up to battle a cowboy-hat-wearing mummy who is terrorising the place.

Some people actually believe this happened.


During the scene in Home Alone where the mother is arguing with an airline employee there is a man behind her that many say look eerily similar to Elvis.

Many people debunk this because if Elvis faked his death why would he want to be an extra in a movie?

When this theory gained momentum, a search happened for the man in the movie. It turns out the man is actually Gary Richard Grott, who died of a heart attack in February 2016. Biddle located Grott's son, Roman, who explained that his father was indeed the extra in the airport scene of Home Alone, and that he had known director Chris Columbus personally. Because of this he appeared in a number of his movies as an extra, including Home Alone.


The day after news broke about his death, a man who looked identical to the singer was spotted in an airport buying a one way ticket to South America. He even used the name "Jon Burrows" which was the alias Elvis would often use when signing into hotels.


The strangest thing about this entire thing and the main reason why people believe Elvis isn't dead is because of his autopsy, or lack there of.

Elvis' autopsy was never revealed and won't be until 2027, 50 years after his death.

And the fact the matter of death had changed. When news first broke everyone suspected drug use. But after a while it randomly changed to a heart attack and they insisted Elvis didn't do drugs, or at the least drugs didn't play a part in his death. And then it changed to he was addicted to the drug Demerol and died of either a lung and kidney failure that lead to a heart attack or the drug directly caused the heart attack.

And because his autopsy has been sealed and won't be released for another 8 years we cannot say for sure what caused his death.

So for many this is the proof they need that Elvis isn't dead. Or else they would have no problem turning over the autopsy results rather than waiting 50 years later.


Do you think Elvis is still alive?

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