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the darach

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the darach

As soon as school had ended, Harper had decided to walk home and go straight to her bedroom, blasting Rex Orange County out of her speakers. With a paintbrush in her hand and an empty canvas in front of her, she began to paint whatever her heart desired. It felt like she hadn't painted in forever, and it sucked, because it was probably her favourite thing to do.

She seemed to favour orange tones at the moment, her previously blank space now filled with exciting shapes and peachy stripes. The brunette hadn't felt this relaxed since the weekend she returned to Beacon Hills- when she and Stiles were just carefree teenagers in love.

Her heart warmed at the memory of the two just lying on her bed, facing the ceiling and talking about whatever came to their minds. She worried that she would never be close to him like that again, but there was nothing she could do about it at the moment.

Trying not to think about the boy who had broken her heart anymore, she skipped the next song, groaning when she realised that it was their song. But she let it play. She allowed the sweet sounds of The Neighbourhood to fill her ears with nostalgia and butterflies.

'You're a doll, you are flawless,
but I just can't wait for love to destroy us,
I just can't wait for love-'

Harper scoffed and turned the song that Stiles had sang to her multiple times off. Some random song from an album she had bought two years ago played, but she didn't skip it this time. There was no point in trying to clear her head of the boy that she was so desperately in love with.

"Harper?" She heard Melissa yell, obviously just having come home from work.

The teenager quickly switched off the music and rushed to the top of the stairs, smiling down at the Hispanic woman who was holding the phone that Lydia had given her yesterday. Melissa waved it, smiling back at her.

"I got the number changed to your old one during my lunch break," Ms McCall explained as Harper came down the stairs and collected it from her, "I'd stay and chat but the hospital needs me."

"Thanks, Melissa. And it's fine, I was just doing some painting anyway," Harper shrugged.

Melissa chuckled, "I can tell," she pointed at her oversized flannel, that previously belonged to Stiles, which was covered in oranges, pinks and yellows.

"I'll keep the rest of your house clean, I swear," the Empath promised.

"It's not my house sweetheart, it's our house. Yours too," she reminded her gently, causing Harper to just smile in a mixture of gratefulness and awkwardness, "now I really have to go, but you have fun and take it easy, yeah?"

Harper nodded, "sure. I'll see you when you get home, Melissa."

"Bye, sweetie," she gave a short wave and smile before leaving.

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