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"I am standing here before you today as your new King. Let today be a day of great history, where my sister's reign of madness has ended and a new era is born. We will mark this momentous occasion with the execution of the queen, her crimes unforgivable. What were her crimes? She was mad. The Gift made her so. It is not her fault, it is known that a woman's frail mind cannot handle such power. But let it be known, that there are no excuses for such heinous acts against our great nation. Though we shall not paint my sister as a complete villain. It seems that some sanity broke through her madness. She did, after all, surrender to me and together we have come up with a solution so no such madness shall sit on the Throne again.

From this day on, no woman can rule. Should a king have only daughters, they are to participate in a Queen's Trial. The Princesses are to undergo a series of tests to determine which daughter holds the most value to the crown. For even though The Gift can be maddening, it is still one of our Kingdoms greatest powers. A power that can only be wielded by the female descendants of the First Queen. 

Every Princess that fails in the Queen's Trial will be sacrificed, giving their lives back to the people as a continuous reminder of the Mad Queens failure as a ruler. All until there is one daughter remaining. The Queen Victorious. She will then marry a suitor of The King's choosing who will rule as the next King.

If she has The Gift,  the Queen Victorious is to use it for the benefit of the Kingdom. It will be her duty to bear sons to ensure that the First Bloodline continues. She must also have daughters so they can use The Gift to help better these great lands. 

There must always be an heir of the First Queen sitting on the Throne. None but those with the First Blood are worthy or capable of ruling. Now, let the new era begin."

~ The Speach given by King Niklaus. The second child of King Umar. The Younger Brother of the Mad Queen Orianna. The First King of the New Era and Descendent of the First Queen.

Documented in the Great History of  Vivelle, Volume  One-hundred and Sixty-five.

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