Chapter Thirteen

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I have spent the last seventeen years observing the current princesses of Vivelle. Ever since the year that Princess Illyana turned five. 

From the small amount of information I have been able to find on The Gift, I have come to the conclusion that the Gift can arrive from as young as five to at least the age of twenty-five.

My reasoning for this comes from an article found in a history book during the reign of King Bryler and the Queen's Trial of his daughters. Princess Myla and Princess Talla. Talla was the younger daughter. She was born seven years after Myla. The Queen died giving birth to Talla so there were no more chances of a male being born. At the age of Five, Talla first showed signs of The Gift. It was a gift obviously passed on from the Lupine as she was stronger and faster than any five-year-old girl should be. Mayla, twelve at the time, had no signs of any gift. It became only natural from then on that Talla was the favoured daughter. She surpassed her sister at everything. She had the heart of the nation whilst her older sister was seen as a stain on the crown. This created a bitter rivalry between the two.

As there were only two sisters competing in the Queens Trial, the King decided to change the format. Of course, the Trial began when the youngest daughter turned a woman at the age of eighteen. Myla was twenty-five. They did all their tests, though it didn't matter if they passed or failed. Naturally, Talla failed none of them. Myla failed seven. To end the Trial, the King decided the two should battle to the death. Their hatred for each other was so strong that it was decided that the losing sister should be sacrificed by the other. It also made for great entertainment.

It was only logical, of course, that Talla would win. She was strong, fast and undefeated in battle. Not even the best warriors could defeat her as her strength and speed were too great. The people loved her for it. They thought she would be their great protector. So they cheered as she taunted and injured her older sister. They knew that she would win. Myla could barely hold a sword. Talla would throw her to the ground as if it were nothing. She slowly sliced and injured Myla until she was left kneeling in front of her. Then Myla did something no one was ever expecting. She began to sing. Now Myla had sung before and was no good at it. Talla, laughing, thought it was nothing. Her arrogance stopped her from seeing what was really happening. 

"Oh sister, your pathetic attempts to save yourself do make me laugh. Did you really think singing could make me feel any sort of remorse toward you?" It is recorded that Talla said. Then she laughed some more. She didn't hear how Myla's voice had changed from the out of tune screech that she has always done whilst growing up, into a beautiful, soft, haunting melody. She was to busy taunting her singing sister to realise the audience had hushed. To realise that the warriors had all began to walk into the arena, weapons ready. Myla stood up at that point and began to sing louder. As she sang, her wounds begin to heal as tears fell down her face.

"What? What are you doing?" it is recorded Talla said. She went to land the killing blow on Mayla, but it was already too late. The warriors all enchanted by her voice had lost their ability to think for themselves. Myla had complete control over them all. Though Talla was an excellent warrior, she could not take on one-hundred of them. Even with her strength and speed. Myla kept singing as the warriors beat and slashed her sister until she was nothing but a crumpled bloodied heap, barely breathing. Myla approached her sister then, taking one of the warrior's swords.

"I'm sorry," she is recorded to have said. "That this is what had to become of us." Then she buried the sword into her sister's chest.

I believe that it was the first time The Gift ever appeared to Queen Myla. With the fear and desperation that she would have been feeling. However, I also believe there were subtle hints that it was there deep inside her all along. For example. It is recorded that during her singing lessons, she sounded truly awful. However, no one would ever stop her from singing. In fact, they would always listen. Just a small hint that she had inherited the Siren Gift. That is why I've been observing the Princesses. Watching for any sign that The Gifts are hidden but there. More of what I have discovered about them will be written further on in my studies. What I will say at the moment, is that I believe these girls are truly special.

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