Chapter Five

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The Lupine were a unique race. They were human, but not. They lived in the barren lands of the North. Home of the desert wolves. Known as Kintara Wolves. The Lupine had magic connected to the wolves which meant they were more than human. Though they looked human, their muscles held greater strength and speed. Their eyes could see so much more and their hearing and smell were so much stronger. They were killing machines. They would hunt in packs, scouring the lands for food and riches they could not grow or make in their homeland. Just on their own, they were unstoppable, but that isn't the only power they held. They could also bond with the wolves themselves. These creatures to them were more than pets. They were family. The wolves were completely loyal to their human. To make matters worse for the rest of Vivelle, some of these wolves could grow bigger than horses. Big enough for the Lupine to ride them into battle.

The race were killing machines who had no mercy for anyone or anything. They took what they wanted from whomever they pleased. To try and stop them, the humans sent forces to their barren Northen home. However, by the time they got to their homes, deep in the heart of the North, the humans were weak. They found no food or water. Storms were often and deadly. Wolf packs roamed free, tearing the soldiers to shreds. It was easy for the Lupine to dispatch of all those who entered their territory. They only left one alive, sending him back to his leaders to send a warning.

"The Lupine are untouchable. They are merciless Savages who live in a crumbling city of stone. They are wild and uncaring, eating anything they can find. Even their young are little monsters, pillaging what they could off the dead like rats. In their city, they are untouchable."

-History of the First War of Vivelle. Volume One. Chapter Seventy-Six, Verse Three.

I am quick to join another conversation with some knights. I am interrupted by a face I would actually like to see, however. 

"Lord Emlyn," I smile as a young man walks toward me. He takes my hand, kissing it softly and bowing dramatically. I laugh as he pulls me to dance.

"Princess," he grins. He is very handsome. His skin is dark and smooth. His hair falls down his back in thick black dreadlocks and his dark brown eyes are surrounded by thick lashes. His features are sharp and his smile is dashing. He wears smart clothing. Tight black trousers with brown, polished leather boots. On his top half is a loose, dark green shirt and a black leather vest over it. The vest is done up with golden buttons etched with the tree of Vivelle. The vest also has a dark grey collar around the neck as well as on the sleeves.  A golden belt hangs around his waist, the strands clipped together by the golden tree.

Like most males in court, the colours he wears represent his role. The dark green shirt means he is a healer. The vest and belt he wears over it mean that he is also a high ranking military member. More specifically, in charge of a particular military branch. Lord Emlyn being a soldier would not surprise anyone. He is very tall and his muscles are bulging. I have seen him fight also. He is extremely skilled in the likes of hand to hand combat as well as with a blade. Although Lord Kristoff likes himself as the finest warrior in Vivelle, it is really Lord Emlyn. Had it not been for that fact that Lord Emlyn wanted to learn Healing like his father, then the head of the Red Guard would have gone to him instead of Kristoff. So, Lord Emlyn is the commander of all military healers. Which slightly outranks Lord Kristoff anyway. That makes me very happy. Especially as it pisses off Kristoff and his father. What is even better is the fact that Lord Emlyn is preferred at the court over Kristoff. Though Kristoff portrays himself as an angel, many can see into his cruel, arrogant persona. Lord Emlyn is kind, incredibly clever and skilled on the battlefield.

"What is plaguing you, princess?" he asks. I look up at him. I sigh.

"The Trial," I sigh.

"Barbaric," he spits. "This whole thing," he shakes his head. My heart warms at his words and I feel a smile cross my face.

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