Chapter Forty-Seven: The Capital

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Visara spent many months in the Lupine territories gaining their trust. She made sure she visited and helped as many Lupine as she could. Both within the cities and the far, most remote villages. She worked her way into the hearts of the Lupine. Breaking through their scepticism and becoming a well-loved figure. She showed to them that she saw them as more than just savages. She involved herself in their religions and traditions. She fought alongside them when the Fae tried to attack. After all those months of working her way into their hearts, the Lupine finally accepted her. They understood her mission of uniting the races under her leadership. So, they agreed to pledge allegiance to her. In return, she would ensure that once she was the ruler of Vivelle, she would ensure that the Lupine were left alone from those wanting to invade. She also promised plenty of rich, nutritious food would be transported to them every week.

With the Lupine behind her, Visara's next steps were to unite humans and the Fae. The two races were close in their lust for power and would often work together. Each race enslaved various other creatures across Vivelle including each other. But the humans had little care for anyone but themselves as did the Fae. They did not care if those of lesser fortune were taken into slavery as long as it brought benefit to those who ruled. Humans would often force the Fae into making their fine clothes. Trapping them in great factories and forcing the lesser Fae into making the finest silks and materials to be sold onto the rich. The Fae would use humans for domestic purposes. Forcing them to clean and serve.

Both were equal in their greed for wealth and power. The Human leader, the man who killed Visara's mother, was a cruel and influential man. His armies and people worshipped him for he was an excellent manipulator. Even with the four armies behind her, ending the cruel reign of the humans and fae was not going to be an easy task.

~The History of Visara

Cordelia sits alone in the gardens. She sits underneath a stone gazebo, sheltered from the warmth of the blazing sun. On the table is a pot of tea and cakes which she eats delicately with a fork. From her spot, she can see over the whole city far beneath the castle. She jumps as she hears a chair scraping along the stone floors next to her. Fallon is there.

"Morning," Cordelia smiles at her older sister. Fallon smiles and takes a seat, her dark blue dress flowing around her.

"Morning," Fallon replies as she pours herself some tea.

"Any news on Illyana?" Cordelia asks. Fallon nods her head.

"Some," she says as she sips her tea.

"Are you going to tell me?" Cordelia asks. Fallon doesn't say anything as she leans back in her chair and gives her sister a cold stare. "Fallon?" Cordelia frowns. Fallon stands up slowly and walks to the stone balcony. She sighs as she looks over the city.

"It's spectacular, isn't it?" Fallon asks. Cordelia comes to stand next to her.

"Yes," she replies. The two stand in silence for a few moments before Fallon looks at Cordelia.

"I've noticed something strange happening recently," Fallon remarks.


"Kristoff has been acting strangely," she tells Cordelia. Cordelia frowns.

"What do you mean?"

"It's nothing much. He just seems to be more alert." Cordelia laughs.

"Well of course he is, Illyana has still not been bought back. Every day she is out there is another day she threatens his crown," she tells Fallon. Fallon narrows her eyes.

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