Chapter Eighty-Three: Three years ago

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The Gift. Now, it is what we call the magic that passes down through the Dulavelle daughters. The original purpose, however, was something completely different. It was the name of a spell given to us by the gods so that species could share their magic with each other. Depending on how the giver wanted to gift another person, the passing of magic could be a permanent thing. If they only wanted to give it for a night, then it would be so. Any normal creature, when giving a part of their magic, would lose that part themselves. However, a leader of a race can take a bit of magic from all their people and gift it to another. Meaning that no one is left without their power once the transfer is complete.

~The History of the Gods.

Three Years Ago

The whole of the next day I am in my room, working away. I almost forget that I had promised to go with Kai into the woods. When I stand up from my desk, I stretch, my muscles cramped from where I had been sat at my desk all day. Quickly, I get changed. Getting into a simple outfit of trousers and a leather, hooded coat. It is early evening when I meet Kai. Razan and Nishka dance at our feet before we quickly sneak out. We don't talk much as we rush through the city in the dimming light. My hand clasped in Kai's as I lead the way. I push him into an ally as we near the gates, holding up my hand as I watch the guards near the entrance.

"Got a plan, Princess?" he asks in my ear.

"Of course," I reply, smiling at him. For a few moments, we wait. I watch closely, not taking my eyes off the guards. At just the right moment, I pull Kai out of hiding and we rush toward the gate. Sneaking past as the guards talk to some other city folk.

"Hey!" one shouts, seeing us. I giggle and pull Kai's hand, starting to run. We disappear into the woodland quickly, the little pups racing ahead of us. Adrenaline pumps through my body as we race through the trees. I know our guards though. I know they are too lazy to chase after us. I had made sure Kai wore relatively normal clothes to the capital also, meaning they don't realise he is one of the Lupine. Especially as we both had our hoods up. The pups also just looked like huskies. Finally, we come to a stop, still laughing.

"Why did you want to come at night, anyway?" I ask as we start walking hand in hand. "Any normal woman would be suspicious," I continue. He laughs and looks up.

"When you have Lupine senses, the forest is a beautiful place when lit by the moon," he tells me. I look up at the sky. It is slightly cloudy. The clouds a bright golden pink as the sun starts to set.

"It's probably going to rain," I say. He looks down at me.

"No it isn't," he says confidently. I laugh and don't answer back.

"Well," I begin, "if there is enough moonlight for your eyes to adjust, you're just going to have to describe it to me," I tell him. "You're my eyes and ears tonight because unlike you, I find being in a forest in the pitch back a little daunting..." I sigh. He laughs and puts his arm around my waist, pulling me into him.

"I will try and change that," he beams. 

"Uh huh," I answer and we fall into silence, watching the pups play. Nishka runs over to me and rolls around by my feet. I crouch down and tickle her. She licks my palms. Razan, getting jealous, jumps onto her, nipping at her ears. "Razan," I scold, picking up my wriggling pup. He licks my face and nudges into my neck and hair and I laugh, my fingers running through his soft fur. Then, he's moving too much for me to hold and I practically drop him. Nishka sits much calmly in Kai's arms. Lovingly nudging his face and licking his nose. Razan barks and jumps up at Kai's legs, trying to get her to play. He lets out a dramatic sigh and puts her down again, the two taking off once more. Kai takes my hand again and I look up at him, smiling. For a brief moment, panic spreads through my body. Soon, he will be leaving and I'll never see him again. However, I push it down. I would rather feel what I am feeling now, in this moment, than to not feel it at all.

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